[rules-dev] testDynamicFunction JUnit test fails

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Thu Feb 8 11:19:09 EST 2007

What version of java are you using? I've heard of people having problems 
with java6, which we do not currently support.

I'm not going ot attempt to fix this now as janino and eclipse now 
support static imports, even for jdk1.4, so I'll move to that feature 
instead - which should resolve a lot of issues.

Déry wrote:
> Hello Conan, this is cyruscode.
> in response to your request yesterday, heres the description of the 
> problem..
> the testDynamicFunction test fails in  
> org.drools.integrationTests.ReteTest package
> ive joined the stackTrace... and for that One test.. i don't get any 
> console output...
> but i join the console output of all the tests of the drools-compiler
> have a nice day.
> *Nicolas Déry
> *Ingénieur logiciel stagiaire / Software engineer trainee
> Kronos Incorporated
> e: ndery at kronos.com <mailto:ndery at kronos.com>
> p: +1 (514) 345-0580 x 253
> f: +1 (514) 345-0533
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