[rules-dev] externalize solver configuration - which technology?

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 14:10:46 EST 2007

For the solver I 'd like to externalize the configuration into an xml(?) 
something like

<localsearch decisionMode="OPTIMAL">
    <finish steps="500"/>
    <ruleBase location="/org/foo/bar/drools.drl"/>

This is a bit inspired by how ehcache is configured, clean and easy,
without any class implementation details: the way users like it.

I 've been thinking on doing this with XStream, but that's not versatile 
enough to make user friendly configuration files. Although Xstream works 
out great to serialize solutions to and from xml files.

Next I was thinking about is JDom or Xom, but that's yet another 
dependency. What would you guys recommend?

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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