[rules-dev] [Newbie] Can't execute BRMS Discount insurance brokers tutorial

Massimo Frossi mfrossi at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 11:06:37 EDT 2007

Hi all,
I'm having troubles following the tutorial at 9.5.1 in Drools Documentation.
At the point
"...Import the demo business rules insurance repository file into BRMS,
the compressed can be found at "files" folder in the demo project."
I cannot find any "files" folder in

I managed to import rules repository using repository_export.xml in
I can see package and rules correctly loaded in BRMS, but when i try to
build binary package I get

16:37:25,203 INFO  [STDOUT] ERROR 25-07 16:37:25,203
(ApplicationContext.java:log:660)   Exception while dispatching incoming
RPC call
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to handle the content type: dslr

Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong?
Thank you,

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