[rules-dev] Re: [Fwd: Drools Benchmark]

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Fri Mar 2 20:42:45 EST 2007

in fact thats the bug also in M1, which I put into the lib dir.
Mark Proctor wrote:
> Oh the "old lib" I think was b0rked, remember that version of waltz 
> where it wasn't doing the node sharing correctly - I think it was from 
> that. I'm building M1 now, I'll probably also try going back a 
> revision with the benchmark project.
> Mark
> Mark Proctor wrote:
>> I wonder if this has to do with the work from the new ruleflow 
>> addition, I'm testing at the moment.
>> Mark
>> Edson Tirelli wrote:
>>>    Mark,
>>>    Bad news. Yesterday when running the benchmarks I noticed we 
>>> suffered a performance hit somewhere in our last few weeks, but as 
>>> my machine is a bit crazy latelly, I couldn't confirm that.
>>>    Fernando ran the tests today in his machine and it is clear now 
>>> we degraded perf for waltz50 in our last changes (although, we 
>>> improved parsing/compiling time).
>>>    See bellow.
>>> PS: OLD LIB is the lib currently commited into the benchmarks 
>>> project... I don't know what version it is.
>>>  Machine Name:    Mac
>>>  Machine Model:    MacBookPro2,2
>>>  Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo
>>>  Processor Speed:    2.16 GHz
>>>  Number Of Processors:    1
>>>  Total Number Of Cores:    2
>>>  L2 Cache (per processor):    4 MB
>>>  Memory:    1 GB
>>>  Bus Speed:    667 MHz
>>> run-drools-waltz50: OLD LIB
>>>      [java] Using
>>>      [java] engine: drools
>>>      [java] rule file: waltz.drl
>>>      [java] data file: waltz50.dat
>>>      [java]  RESULTS:
>>>      [java]     - Rules parsing time : 4646 ms   - Memory used:  + 
>>> 29098
>>>      [java]     - Assertion time     : 280 ms   - Memory used:  + 4663
>>>      [java]     - Rules firing time  : 1135 ms   - Memory used:  + 
>>> -2673
>>>      [java] 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>      [java]     - Total time         : 6061 ms   - Total memory: + 
>>> 31089
>>>      [java]     - GC Run time        : 206 ms   - Mem after GC: + 21584
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> run-drools-waltz50: Trunk
>>>      [java] Using
>>>      [java] engine: drools
>>>      [java] rule file: waltz.drl
>>>      [java] data file: waltz50.dat
>>>      [java]  RESULTS:
>>>      [java]     - Rules parsing time : 2637 ms   - Memory used:  + 
>>> 30936
>>>      [java]     - Assertion time     : 257 ms   - Memory used:  + 3827
>>>      [java]     - Rules firing time  : 4294 ms   - Memory used:  + 
>>> 27086
>>>      [java] 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>      [java]     - Total time         : 7188 ms   - Total memory: + 
>>> 61850
>>>      [java]     - GC Run time        : 234 ms   - Mem after GC: + 37624
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> run-jess-waltz50:
>>>      [java] Using
>>>      [java] engine: jess
>>>      [java] rule file: waltz.clp
>>>      [java] data file: waltz50.dat
>>>      [java]  RESULTS:
>>>      [java]     - Rules parsing time : 248 ms   - Memory used:  + -360
>>>      [java]     - Assertion time     : 482 ms   - Memory used:  + 12690
>>>      [java]     - Rules firing time  : 7017 ms   - Memory used:  + 
>>> 15883
>>>      [java] 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>      [java]     - Total time         : 7747 ms   - Total memory: + 
>>> 28213
>>>      [java]     - GC Run time        : 96 ms   - Mem after GC: + 8675
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> run-drools-manners128: OLD LIB
>>>      [java] Using
>>>      [java] engine: drools
>>>      [java] rule file: manners.drl
>>>      [java] data file: manners128.dat
>>>      [java] All Done
>>>      [java]  RESULTS:
>>>      [java]     - Rules parsing time : 3823 ms   - Memory used:  + 
>>> 32968
>>>      [java]     - Assertion time     : 88 ms   - Memory used:  + 0
>>>      [java]     - Rules firing time  : 6797 ms   - Memory used: -27291
>>>      [java] 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>      [java]     - Total time         : 10708 ms   - Total memory: + 
>>> 5677
>>>      [java]     - GC Run time        : 55 ms   - Mem after GC: + 4201
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> run-drools-manners128: Trunk
>>>      [java] Using
>>>      [java] engine: drools
>>>      [java] rule file: manners.drl
>>>      [java] data file: manners128.dat
>>>      [java] All Done
>>>      [java]  RESULTS:
>>>      [java]     - Rules parsing time : 1599 ms   - Memory used:  + 
>>> 23727
>>>      [java]     - Assertion time     : 57 ms   - Memory used:  + 932
>>>      [java]     - Rules firing time  : 6917 ms   - Memory used:  + 
>>> 20851
>>>      [java] 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>      [java]     - Total time         : 8573 ms   - Total memory: + 
>>> 45511
>>>      [java]     - GC Run time        : 62 ms   - Mem after GC: + 4041
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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