[rules-dev] How can I help with BRMSv2 Docs

Paul Browne paulb at firstpartners.net
Fri Nov 23 02:14:12 EST 2007


The screen shots of BRMSv2 look cool.

Was thinking (since most of my comments on them were to do with Help 
Pages and docs) that I should offer to help out with the Documentation 
side of things.

- Is the BRMS in trunk stable enough to check out / any major changes 
expected to the screens?
- Does the BRMS section of the Drools Doc need updated (and if so , 
should I do it describing the screens as they are *now*).
- I'd suggested a 'Help' link and a welcome / splash screen. Are you 
thinking of including them in this release? If so, what format would you 
like me to provide the help text in.


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