[rules-dev] drools-repository and slf4j

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 11:29:09 EDT 2007

I've just switched solver to use slf4j:

I am advising to configure drools-repository and drools-jbrms's logging 
dependency's like this:

         <!-- Logging -->

They both need a directy dependency on slf4j-api, because you should 
only really on transitive dependencies if the only reason you need a 
transitive dependency is because one of your direct dependencies needs it.

Since Logger is used directly, a direct dependency on slf4j-api should 
be put at scope compile.

I don't think drools-repository/jbrms want to force their users to use 
log4j. But unless slf4j-log4j12 is put at test scope (or another scope 
with optional true) that is the case. Currently it's like this: we use a 
logging facade so you can log with anything, but we force you to use 
log4j anyway (luckily users could have excluded it meanwhile as a 

Maybe the log4j dependency is obsolete (as slf4j-log4j12 brings it in), 
but he solver examples use a domconfigurer directly, so at least solver 
needs it :/

PS: could we upgrade to the latest slf4j libs?
We're at 1.3.0 and the latest is 1.4.3
For solver it shouldn't give a problem, maybe for drools-repository it will?

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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