[rules-dev] Final take on performance .

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Mon Aug 18 03:14:11 EDT 2008

A rule engine is java code, so well crafted java code is always going to 
outperformance a generic rule engine - if you arrange all your caching 
and indexing right. So I'm not sure what it is you are trying to prove? 
If you wanted to prove that drools was faster than dump iteration and 
lookup, try something that exploits the indexing. Create 10K people and 
200 places. Assign the people randomly to different places - use a 
String keyword to match the two. Then use the rule engine to find all 
the people matching all the places and then try the same in java code.


Harsh Jetly wrote:
> Hi ,
> I have been given an assignment to show case the situation where the
> performance of a rule engine will be better than java code .
> My first question is ; Is this possible ?
> What I had done earlier was I sent an arraylist and I used the 'from'
> clause , like Mark pointed out for the 'from' statement pure iteration
> happens and the index is not created .
> So what I have done now  is create a scenario where I insert about 20,000
> objects and have 20 rules (each rule has 2 alpha nodes ) . I do the same
> with java code (if-elses) and the java code wins this competition hands
> down .
> Is there a breakthrough point where the rule engine performs as well as the
> java code or even better ?
> Appreciate it
> Harsh
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