[rules-dev] More efficient retraction without shadow proxies

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Sun Jan 13 18:11:15 EST 2008

I've spent the last week or so working on a performance branch. The end 
result is slightly  better performance and  we don't need shadow proxies 
any more, apart from those that want protecting in a multi-threaded  
environment - so they can be optional and off by default. If we an 
combine this with the compiled alpha node network stuff we should be 
getting some good performance and userbility gains for our next release 
- assuming the cep and concurrency stuff hasn't hampered performance too 
much :)

In the branch, not everything compiles, but enough compiles to run 
manners and waltz. I now need to undertake the hard work of merging with 
trunk, not easy as edson has changed a lot for the CEP stuff.


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