[rules-dev] drools-spring and drools-guice

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Mon Jan 14 18:17:02 EST 2008

Paul Browne wrote:
> Mark,
> I've already a bit of code that does simple Spring Integration (and am 
> clear to donate it to Drools, need to change it to LGPL). Not sure 
> what you'll think of the quality (!) but already used on a client 
> site, might be a useful starting point.
Can we get it ASL, instead of LGPL? Xavier was on irc today, I think 
he's going to have a crack at it too. So keep an eye out for him. Make 
sure you read over Ales ideas that he implemented for the JBoss MC, many 
of them are applicable.
> http://red-piranha.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/red-piranha/trunk/rp-core/src/main/java/net/fp/rp/drools/SpringDecisionTableLoader.java?revision=7&view=markup 
> Paul
> Mark Proctor wrote:
>> I'd like to add two sub projects to Drools to enable better spring 
>> and guice support - especially now we have the RuleAgent. Any 
>> volunteers for this? I'd like to try and standardise, as much as 
>> possible, how Drools works and integrates with IoC containers.
>> Ultimiately the integration should be quite lightweight - mostly 
>> about creating rulebases and working memory and probably the scoping 
>> and caching of these. I guess you could also have some life cycle 
>> management about objects themselves and auto assertion/retraction to 
>> named working memories. We'd need to define a set of agreed 
>> annotations to define these things, that would work across 
>> containers. I believe the JBoss MC people have done some work in this 
>> area, I have cc'd to see if they have any input or documentation 
>> pointers.
>> The core dev team don't have the time and aren't spring/guice 
>> specialists - so anyone willing to take this up? If we can get 
>> reasonable implementations we will add them to subversion (and the 
>> authors commit rights), and make part of the next release - assuming 
>> they are of good enough quality.
>> So any takers, maybe we could atleast start at defining what this 
>> level of integration should look like?
>> Mark
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