[rules-dev] building Drools non-networked

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 01:51:53 EDT 2008

Maven downloads a dependency only one time and then caches it in your 
local repository (under ~/.m2/repository/),
so it does that "preload the dependencies" out-of-the-box.

There are advantages with fetching those dependencies over the network:
- Easy to add a dependency or switch to a newer version of a dependency
- The jars blobs aren't in subversion
- You can put up an internal repository at your company, so the 
developers don't need to download from the internet.

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Reid Kaufmann schreef:
> When building Drools, Maven seems to pull a lot of stuff in from the 
> networked repos when I build Drools.  Even a "mvn clean" pulls down info 
> from the net.  Is there an easy way to build in a non-networked 
> environment?  I.e. can you preload the dependencies, or build without 
> Maven?
> I'm not looking to rewrite the build process; I'm just wondering if it's 
> possible without substantial work.
> reid
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