[rules-dev] documentation

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Sat Jun 14 05:03:18 EDT 2008

I am kinda favor in one big Drools "reference manual" (this is the term 
coined by hibernate, spring and seam)
It follows the structure you just outlined:
- part expert
- chapter 1 expert-intro
- chapter 2 expert-foo
- part flow
- chapter 3 flow-intro
- chapter 4 flow-bar
- ...

The advantage of this that you can choose to view it as single_html and 
use ctrl-F in firefox to find what you're looking for.

The hibernate guys decided to separate the classic, annotations and 
as a user I 've found this annoying, because I often find myself having 
to ctrl-F on all single_html's before I find a solution (or I realize 
it's not in the manuals).

For example: I consulted the manual for
"Does hibernate support a way to prefix all @Table names with "foo_"?"
So I started in annotations, because of the @Table: nothing there.
Next I looked in entitymanager, because it's general configuration: 
nothing there.
So hibernate doesn't support it.
A few hours later I decided to check the hibernate classic manual too - 
just in case - and I came across NamingStrategy, which does exactly what 
I want...

This one big book doesn't include the JBRMS "end user" manual of course, 
that's a different audience.

just my 2 cents :)

Mark Proctor schreef:
> Anyone using trunk documentation, be aware I'm doing a big refactor in 
> the process of splitting up the documentation. Which is as follows
> drools-docs-generaluserguide
> drools-docs-expert
> drools-docs-flow
> drools-docs-fusion
> drools-docs-guvnor
> drools-docs-solver
> I'm struggling to what to call them, are they each "user guides". Drools 
> Expert User Guide, Drools Flow User Guide. Or is it better to just hvae 
> Drools Expert Docuementation, Drools Flow Documentation. Not sure. Also 
> The User Guide is now just release notes, history/background info and 
> general introduction, install guide. Its entitled Drools Introduction 
> and General User Guide. That kinda sucks, anyone got a better name?
> I was going to split out documentation into it's own docbook modules, 
> but as we have a separation of expert, flow and fusion I think it might 
> get too fragmented. So I'll move examples docs back into the last 
> chapter of each book. With the general splitting up it should be more 
> manageable now having examples in the main project manuals.
> Mark
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