[rules-dev] Convert .brl to .drl

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 03:25:18 EDT 2008

common-io's FileUtils is great for doing that:

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Michael schreef:
> I have found this:
> ....you can use the following snippet of code to convert the brl to a 
> drl rule:
> BRXMLPersitence read = BRXMLPersitence.getInstance();
> BRDRLPersistence write = BRDRLPersistence.getInstance();
> String brl = ... read from the .brl file as needed...
> String outputDRL = write.marshall(read.unmarshal(brl));
> //then pass the outputDRL to the PackageBuilder as normal
> Can you explain please: "String brl = ... read from the .brl file as 
> needed..."
> for example if I have  "first.brl" and I want "first.drl"
> Thank you...
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