[rules-dev] Google Summer of Code Deadlines extended

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Mon Mar 31 19:11:51 EDT 2008


The GSoC application deadlines have been extended until 1st of April, as 
detailed here 
I preveiously discussed the Drools GSoC projects here 
For the lazy I'm listing those below again, so please hurry about get 
your applications in here <http://code.google.com/soc/2008/>:

    * Subversion/CVS and JCR synchronisation. This allows our web based
      BRMS, called Guvnor, to synchronise it's content with what's used
      in an IDE, such as Eclipse
    * Eclipse file upload tool with meta-data properties editing. You
      should be able to right click a file or a folder and upload to the
      web based Guvnor. Previously uploaded files(assets) should be
      recognised and uploaded as a modify.
    * SBVR <http://www.businessrulesgroup.org/sbvr.shtml>, structured
      natural language, implementation for Drools. Can do either or both
      the frontend or the backend.
    * Eclipse tooling enhancements including any of the following:
      search, refactoring, reformatting.
    * Animate the Rete view to represent network propagation.
    * Improve the DSL capabilities of Drools, supporting more complex
    * Improve the Guvnor, web based BRMS, to handle the management of
      more asset types. Including images, video, sound etc. Guvnor
      involves JCR, Seam and GWT work.
    * Create a Web based process designer for Drools ruleflow using GWT
      Designer. <http://code.google.com/p/gwt-diagrams/>
    * Web based, GWT, Audit viewer.

> Mark
> Mark Proctor wrote:
>> http://blog.athico.com/2008/03/drools-and-google-summer-of-code.html
>> The Google Summer of Code <http://code.google.com/soc/2008/> is 
>> beginning. Drools, being a Red Hat project, has to participate under 
>> the Fedora banner. So I've put a few project ideas up on the JBoss 
>> GSoC <http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/GSoC> page. If you're able to enter 
>> as a student please do take a look and don't hesitate to contact if 
>> anything interests you.
>> I've also listed the ideas below, please leave comments if you have 
>> any other ideas you think might make good student projects. Or maybe 
>> you are a student and you want to propose a GSoC project.
>> # Subversion/CVS and JCR synchronisation. This allows our web based 
>> BRMS, called Guvnor, to synchronise it's content with what's used in 
>> an IDE, such as Eclipse
>> # Eclipse file upload tool with meta-data properties editing. You 
>> should be able to right click a file or a folder and upload to the 
>> web based Guvnor. Previously uploaded files(assets) should be 
>> recognised and uploaded as a modify.
>> # SBVR <http://www.businessrulesgroup.org/sbvr.shtml>, structured 
>> natural language, implementation for Drools. Can do either or both 
>> the frontend or the backend.
>> # Eclipse tooling enhancements including any of the following: search, 
>> refactoring, reformatting.
>> # Animate the Rete view to represent network propagation.
>> # Improve the DSL capabilities of Drools, supporting more complex grammars.
>> # Improve the Guvnor, web based BRMS, to handle the management of more 
>> asset types. Including images, video, sound etc. Guvnor involves JCR, 
>> Seam and GWT work.
>> # Create a Web based process designer for Drools ruleflow using GWT 
>> Designer. <http://code.google.com/p/gwt-diagrams/>
>> Mark
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