[rules-dev] RE: [rules-users] Invokers and class gen

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Tue Oct 14 13:09:09 EDT 2008

Joe White wrote:
> I believe it should make some difference in permgen to generate a 
> single class. Some of the permgen data is generated on a per-class 
> basis. It may not make enough of a difference though. Given that the 
> mvel dialect is a valid workaround for the problem it probably isn't 
> worth the effort.
> I can think of two alternatives to solve the problem (if the problem 
> is worth solving).
Another way is to stop generating the invoker and instead use cached 
reflection to call the generated rule - this might be a good compromise, 
as it'll reduce the generated code by half. Again ideally it would be 
> The first is to unload the classes generated for a given package when 
> that package is reloaded. The permgen problems I've encountered have 
> been when a rule package is replaced or many times in succession. Each 
> time a class is generated during the package replacement its 
> definition ends up in permgen.
This sounds like a memory leak, when you redefine a class it should drop 
the classloader and create a new one, leaving all the perm gen space 
used for that classloader to be GC'd.
> This would involve a custom class loader for the generated classes and 
> the ability to remove all references to generated classes on demand. 
> Probably mvel changes to make this work.
> The second alternative would be to provide a configuration option to 
> approach the java dialiect like the mvel dialect and compile and 
> execute on demand. This would likely be big drag on performance and 
> not worth doing.
> I'll be in Dallas and if this project isn't worth working on I'd be 
> happy to pick something else up that would get me deeper into the code,
Cool, see you then.
> Joe
> More on permgen 
> http://blogs.sun.com/jonthecollector/entry/presenting_the_permanent_generation
> *From:* rules-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org 
> [mailto:rules-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org] *On Behalf Of *Mark Proctor
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:11 AM
> *To:* Rules Dev List
> *Subject:* Re: [rules-dev] RE: [rules-users] Invokers and class gen
> Joe White wrote:
> I've spent a little time looking into allowing the invokers to be 
> generated as methods in a single class rather than individual classes 
> as is discussed below.
> Btw chatting to edson, he's not sure this will reduce perm gen size - 
> what is the size differnce from one big class, and multiple small 
> ones,on the perm gen. It's worth checking that this will make a 
> difference, before doing it.
> It seems like a new set of mvel templates will need to be created to 
> allow the java invokers to be generated as methods rather than 
> individual classes. Then the Abstract Builder code will need to be 
> updated to reference the correct template based on the user provided 
> granularity level. For granularity, should there be any levels outside 
> of: one class per package, one class per rule, and the current one 
> class per invoker?
> If you can show that this is worth while doing, I'd look at making it 
> configurable - although typically I imagine one per package.
> Am I on the right track?
> Thanks,
> Joe
> *From:* rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org 
> <mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org> 
> [mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org] *On Behalf Of *Mark Proctor
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 14, 2008 11:01 AM
> *To:* Rules Users List
> *Cc:* Rules Dev List
> *Subject:* Re: [rules-users] Max packages
> Joe White wrote:
> Mark, thank you very much for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
> "There are improvements we can make to generated code into a single 
> class and use a switch statement to invoke the correct part, but we 
> don't have time for that right now, so would need to come from the 
> community."
> I would be interested in doing this work if someone can point me in 
> the right direction on where to start.
> look for the *.mvel templates in drools-compiler you'll see how we 
> generate the code. Then look at all the various java builders, like 
> JavaConsequenceBuilder and you'll see how we construct it. compiled 
> code is done in two places. We first generate an invoker class which 
> implements the interface, like the Consequence interface and then we 
> genernate the code to be executed which is called via the invoker. It 
> needs to be two as the needed parameters for the java consequence to 
> execute differer (different number of vars) so the invokers job is to 
> match the needed interfaces and adapt/bridge to calling to the actual 
> consequence/eval/predicate. We currently generate all the 
> consequence/eval/predicate in a single class per rule, but we have a 
> class per invoker.
> So we now need invoker apis, like Consequence, to take an int so it 
> can use a switch statement to which allows multiple invocations to be 
> generated into the same file. An idea solution will take a 
> configuration on teh granularity that people want - to what we have 
> now right up to putting everything into a single file for the entire 
> package.
> I also would be interested in doing the work to allow drools to 
> reference multiple levels of inner classes.
> This is done and fixed in 4.0.x and trunk - we just haven't released 
> any binaries wit hteh fix.
> Our work would benefit from both pieces of functionality. I'll move 
> this to the developer list, but would appreciate if somebody 
> knowledgeable could show me where to get started on the code necessary 
> to generate to a single class.
> I've cc'd this into the dev mailing list, so please when you reply do 
> so to just that mailing list.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> *From:* rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org 
> <mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org> 
> [mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org] *On Behalf Of *Mark Proctor
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 13, 2008 2:53 AM
> *To:* Rules Users List
> *Subject:* Re: [rules-users] Max packages
> Joe White wrote:
> Can someone help me understand the relationship between the number of 
> Packages in a single RuleBase and PermGen memory consumption? I have a 
> test that generates  200 rules and then adds those rules as different 
> packages to a single rule base. PermGen consumption grows near 
> linearly with the addition of Packages to the rule base and on a 
> default PermGen setting the JVM runs out of PermGen after about 120 
> packages.
> It's not related to Packages, it's related to the number of rules and 
> whether those rules have compiled java parts  - like the consequence, 
> eval etc - each one adds an additional class.
> Is every new Package and RuleBase backed by a set of generated 
> Classes? Is there a way to get around the amount of class generation 
> that is taking place?
> The test has been run against Drools 5.
> You can use MVEL, which has no class generation. There are 
> improvements we can make to generated code into a single class and use 
> a switch statement to invoke the correct part, but we don't have time 
> for that right now, so would need to come from the community.
> Thank you for your help,
> Joe
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