[rules-dev] audit logging: better describe facts

Oleg Zenzin zenzin at intalio.com
Sun Oct 26 19:53:55 EDT 2008

Best greatings to drools community!

I'm using drools 4.0.4, my current aim is to generate audit log.

Using *WorkingMemoryLogger* and Drools Eclipse IDE Audit View I was able to
fulfil the requirement. Looks pretty nice, thanx for your work!
I have a couple of notes, but think it's better to keep them under different
threads. The first one is about *facts* output. Currently *
WorkingMemoryLogger* uses *toString()* to output information about
*facts*inserted, updated or retracted. In addition there's information
*facts* in ActivationLogEvent, collected again using *toString() *default
method. In my code I've implemented simple static method to introspect *fact
* objects and produce Map<String, Object> of properties. That made the log
much more informative.

Question: are there any enhacements (planned) in next versions of Drools?
Would you like me contribute my code into the *WorkingMemoryLogger*?

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