[rules-dev] SessionConfiguration implementation issues

Pablo Nussembaum baunax at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 13:07:25 EST 2009

Hi all,
I'm working on drools spring and I've come upon some issues in
SessionConfiguration that are stopping/confusing me.
Here are my lists of doubts/concerns about SessionConfiguration:

1) It stores 2 properties using Option instances variables and the rest
inside a ChainedProperties class.
2) There is no way no way to know what props are in the
ChainedProperties from outside the SessionConfiguration.
3) When the SessionConfiguration is immutable, it's still possible to
add more Properties using the addProperties method.
4) The ChainedProperties class is add only, in other words it isn't
possible change props values. Moreover it's also possible to have two
props with different values.

I'm attaching a patch that fix some these issues. I've updated
SessionConfiguration (g|s)etProperty(String name) method and added the
ability to ChainedProperties update existing props.


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