[rules-dev] 3rd International Rules Challenge - Call for Submissions

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 10:59:54 EDT 2009

[Our apologies if you receive duplicates of this posting]

                  Call for Submissions

           3rd International Rules Challenge



          co-located with the Business Rules Forum

           November 5-7 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA



*                        Latest News                                 *

*     3rd Int. Rules Challenge - Open Call for Submissions           *

*                    ------------------                              *

*                                                                    *

* Keynotes and special talks by                                      *

*     Sandro Hawke (W3C Contact) about W3C RIF                       *

*     Donald Chapin (OMG BMI Chair) about OMG SBVR                   *

*     Paul Vincent (TIBCO CTO) about CEP and Rules                   *

*     Jans Aasman (Franz Inc. CEO)                                   *

* Tutorials by                                                       *

*     Christian Saint Marie (ILog/IBM) - W3C RIF Tutorial            *

*     Larry Goldberg and Babara von Halle - Decision Management      *

*     Mark Proctor (Drools) - Drools Tutorial                        *

*     Guido Governatori (NICTA) - Business Process Compliance        *

* RuleML in the top venues for scientific impact factor in CiteSeerX *

* Forthcoming RuleML special journal issue                           *

* Additional CEUR Proceedings for Rules Challenge papers             *

* New categories in the Challenge with prestigious prizes            *

* W3C Rule Interchange Format workshop (more information below)      *

* OMG and industrial standards sessions, lunch panel on Web Rules    *

* Student grants of the value of up to $1000 plus free registration  *

* 20% RuleML-2009 Partner discounts - see registration page          *

*                                                                    *

*         Super Early Bird Registration Deadline ends soon!          *

*                                                                    *


Open Call for Submissions to the 2009 Rules Challenge


The Rules Challenge is one of the highlights at RuleML-2009 with prestigious

prizes. Submissions of benchmarks/evaluations, demos, case studies / use

cases, experience reports, best practice solutions (e.g. design patterns,

reference architectures, models), rule-based implementations/ tools/

applications, demonstrations engineering methods, implementations of rule

standards (e.g. RuleML, RIF, SBVR, PRR, rule-based Event Processing

languages, BPMN+rules, BPEL+rules, ...), rules + industrial standards (e.g.

XBRL, MISMO, Accord, ...), and industrial problem statements are

particularly  encouraged.

The participants of the Challenge have the opportunity to understand the

most current trend of rule technology and standard development through

highly interactive with the experts in this field.



In addition to your demo/hands-on/report/.. it is possible to submit

Challenge demo papers describing research, implementation, and technical

details of your submission. The peer-reviewed and selected papers will be

published in additional special Challenge proceedings (CEURS proceedings are

requested) along with the online publication of your demo in the highly

visible growing Rules Challenge pool. A selection of revised papers from the

Challenge will be resubmitted to a special issue of a journal.

Authors are invited to submit original contributions of practical relevance

and technical rigor in the field, benchmarks, evaluations, experience

reports and show case/use case demonstrations of effective, practical,

deployable rule-based technologies or applications in distributed

environments. Papers must be in English.

Demo papers submission website: http://www.easychair.org

Demo systems submission website: http://ruleml-challenge.cs.nccu.edu.tw

Please upload all submissions as PDF files in LNCS format

(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). To ensure high quality,

submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by 3 PC members based on

originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.

Submissions to the Rules Challenge 2009 consist of a demo paper of 4-8

pages, describing the demo show case, and a link to more information about

the demo/show case, e.g. a project site, an online demonstration, a

presentation about the demonstration, or a download site for the

demonstration. In case of product demos, the link can be password-protected:

please submit a password for anonymous login from any Web browser, giving us

the permission to pass the password on to 3 PC members.

Important Date


September 4th   - submission deadline for demo papers and demo systems

September 15th - notification of accepted demo papers and demo systems

October 29th  -  submission deadline for demo systems only

      ****    MAKE RULEML-2009 YOUR SHOWCASE!   ****

2009 Rules Challenge Program Committee


see Challenge website http://2009.ruleml.org/challenge

W3C RIF Workshop at RuleML-2009


The W3C Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group (www.w3.org/2005/rules/)

has recently published 6 specifications for the W3C Rule Interchange Format

standard which includes a W3C RIF Production Rules Dialect (RIF-PRD) and a

W3C Basic Logic Dialect (RIF-BLD).

The mission of the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group is to produce

W3C recommendations for rules interchange languages. Next step will be the

call for implementations of RIF which might be demonstrated at the

RuleML-2009 W3C RIF Workshop. Upcoming future RIF dialects might address a

reaction rules dialect for rule-based complex event processing (CEP).

The new RIF standard is featured at the RuleML 2009 Conference in a W3C RIF

workshop in November 2009 (see http://2009.ruleml.org) with a keynote from

Sandro Hawke (W3C staff representative on the RIF WG) and a tutorial from

Christian de Sainte Marie (ILOG/IBM, co-chair of the RIF WG). There will be

also keynote by Paul Vincent (TIBCO CTO for Business Rules and CEP, EPTS-RA

WG Co-Chair) about "Why Rules Matter in Complex Event Processing... and vice

versa" and a keynote by Donald Chapin (co-chair of the OMG Business Modeling

& Integration Domain Task Force, co-chair OMG SBVR) about "Terminology: The

Semantic Foundation for an Organization's Executable Rules".

About RuleML-2009


This year, the 3rd International Symposium on Rules, Applications and

Interoperability (RuleML-2009) takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,

collocated with the 12th Business Rules Forum, the world's largest Business

Rules event. RuleML-2009 is devoted to practical distributed rule

technologies and rule-based applications. The International Symposium on

Rules, Applications and Interoperability has evolved from an annual series

of international workshops since 2002, international conferences in 2005 and

2006, and international symposia since 2007, and is now in the top 100

venues for scientific impact factor in CiteseerX


Supported by


W3C, OMG, ACM, AAAI, ECCAI, IAAIL, ACM, Belgian Business Rules Forum MIT

Sloan CIO Symposium, EPTS, BPM Forum Belgium

Sponsored by


Franz Inc

NICTA (National ICT Australia) Ltd

Corporate Semantic Web

Logic Programming Associated Ltd



Modelsystems Ltd

(sponsoring opportunities: http://www.defeasible.org/ruleml2009/sponsors)

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