[rules-dev] NPE in AbstractWorkingMemory.update

Greg Barton greg_barton at yahoo.com
Wed May 27 02:25:49 EDT 2009

At seemingly random times I'm getting this exception:

Exception in thread "Thread-5" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.update(AbstractWorkingMemory.java:1387)
        at org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.update(AbstractWorkingMemory.java:1350)
        at org.drools.concurrent.UpdateObject.execute(UpdateObject.java:46)
        at org.drools.concurrent.CommandExecutor.run(CommandExecutor.java:78)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

I've only gotten the exception when using StatefulSession.asyncUpdate() from a separate thread.  

AbstractWorkingMemory.java:1387 is wrapped in an if statement that checks whether maintainTms==true, so setting that to false has apparently avoided the problem. (Can't be 100% sure, but it has been runnign for a few hours without exception.) The FactHandles I'm passing in to StatefulSession.asyncUpdate() are never null, so I can only guess that InternalFactHandle.getEqualityKey() is sometimes returning false.

Do you want a JIRA on this?  I can't recreate it reliably.


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