[rules-dev] is this a bug? import function not supporting varargs?

Jane James jane6210 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 2 22:17:35 EST 2009

Hi guys,
    I have a question regarding the import function feature in Drools 5.1.0M. 

    I am reading the Drools JBoss Rules 5.0 book Developer's guide by Michal Bali and tried one of the
examples but somehow I couldn't get my rules work with the method that
has varargs. 

Here's what I have (copied from page 123):

public class ValidationHelper {
    public static void error (RuleContext kcontext, Object... context) {
        KnowledgeRuntime knowledgeRuntime = kcontext.getKnowledgeRuntime();
        ValidationReport validationReport = (ValidationReport)knowledgeRuntime.getGlobal("validationReport");
        ReportFactory reportFactory = (ReportFactory) knowledgeRuntime.getGlobal("reportFactory");

                Message.Type.ERROR, kcontext.getRule().getName(),

then in my drools file (copied from page 42): 
i have

import org.drools.runtime.rule.RuleContext;
import function ValidationHelper.error;
rule test

but when I ran the test, I got error message:

in thread "main" org.drools.runtime.rule.ConsequenceException: [Error:
unable to resolve method:

If I remove the parameter Object... context, then
everything worked. But I do need the varargs here because I need my
error message to be more specific.

Did anyone else encounter the same problems?


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