[rules-dev] drools mailing list webpage: mention gmane newsgroups too

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 05:11:19 EST 2009

Hi guys,

Many people don't subscribe to the user mailing list because they don't 
want to litter their mailbox.
So instead, they start mailing dev's directly, which we don't want.

One solution is gmane.org.
Gmane turns our mailing lists into newsgroups,
so if they direct their e-mail client to this newsgroup url
they can ask a question without littering their mailbox.

I propose we add another column to this page
with the title
   Newsgroup (doesn't litter mailbox)
Which has a link to these url's:

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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