[rules-dev] 3rd Event-driven Business Process Management Workshop (3rd edBPM '09) at CASCON 2009 - Call for Participation

Adrian Paschke adrian.paschke at gmx.de
Wed Sep 23 11:34:20 EDT 2009

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3rd Event-driven Business Process Management Workshop (3rd edBPM '09)

at CASCON 2009

November 3rd 2009, Toronto, Canada


"Event-Driven Business Process Management" (EDBPM) refers to an enhancement
of traditional BPM through novel combinations of Service Oriented
Architectures (SOA), Event Driven Architectures (EDA), Software as a Service
(SaaS), Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) and the Processing of Complex
Events (CEP). BPM in turn, refers to a software platform which provides
companies and end-users the ability to model, manage and optimize business

This workshop introduces the state-of-art concepts underlying EDBPM
solutions, summarize standard best practices in event management, and
discusses the shortcomings, challenges and obstacles. Specifically, there
has been little understanding of service impact beyond event severity and
root-cause of business events. This brought attention to more sophisticated
correlation mechanisms and infrastructure to reason about dependency between
events and their sources. Also, we discuss the various methods of mapping
event incidents to customer SLA and KPI that are crucial for identifying any
escalating problems critical to the business.


CASCON registration and Workshop signups are now open. We invite you to
register and log-in.


Workshop Chair(s)
Young Yoon University of Toronto 
Dr. Hans-Arno Jacobsen University of Toronto 
Allen Chan IBM 
Phil Coulthard IBM 
Adrian Paschke Freie Universität Berlin


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