[rules-dev] maven drools plugin to compile DRL's at build time

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 03:14:36 EDT 2010

There doesn't seem to be a maven drools plugin to precompile the DRL's 
at build time, but I did find this issue:

Is anyone or has anyone been working on this?
Are the ANT tasks still supported?
It gives a couple of advantages:
- DRL compile errors at build time
- with m2eclipse it gives a good eclipse integration
- no time wasted at runtime (I could definitly use this for the nurse 
rostering competition)

A good mojo would need to:
- follow the maven code generating conventions (so it integrates well 
with eclipse, intellij, ...)
- have integrations tests (we might wanna wait for the maven 3 upgrade 
for this though)

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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