[rules-dev] Missing Artifact: JPAKnowledgeProviderLocalClient

Pablo Nussembaum baunax at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 11:11:23 EDT 2010

I'm glad you like it.
But as you have noted transaction failures aren't properly handled yet.
Mainly because I haven't found any mechanism provided by spring to be
notified of such failures, so if anyone knows and can point me in the
right direction I'll be grateful and would avoid me messing with spring
internals ;-).


On Wednesday 28,April,2010 02:23 AM, tolitius wrote:
> @Bauna,
>     Good news! For now the implementation/integration/configuration that I
> went with is pretty simple, where all the client needs to do is just provide
> the "flows"/"rules" (as a list into a bean), and everything else is taken
> care of by the framework.
>     But I'll definitely check it out. I am currently using RESOURCE_LOCAL
> with Spring's JPA TM (via Hibernate provider), but need to do additional
> testing to ensure that Spring communicates any transaction failures back to
> Drools...
> Thanks,
> /Anatoly

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