[rules-dev] another weird problem with the trunk

Mauricio Salatino salaboy at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 10:46:48 EDT 2010

I'm fixing some of the drools-grid problems right now in the trunk and I
wanna comment here that
I need to comment out in the parent pom file all the thing related with
wagon. For some reason,
my IDE is not able to deal with it. When I run the build from the console
everything goes fine.
I can also run the build from my IDE, but for some reason the dependency
with the wagon plugin cannot be resolved.
Any one experiencing this problem? I'm with JDK 1.6

 - CTO @ http://www.plugtree.com
 - MyJourney @ http://salaboy.wordpress.com
 - Co-Founder @ http://www.jbug.com.ar

 - Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -
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