[rules-dev] Reminder: Tell me your github login before Thursday 16-DEC-2010

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Sat Dec 18 04:33:23 EST 2010

Andrew, Michael,

Yes, the public repo will be at:
Please don't do anything yet, just wait for instructions, I 'll send 
them when the migration is done.

Op 18-12-10 09:45, Michael Neale schreef:
> All of it would be public all the time. There is no other way unless 
> you pay for a private repo.
> So people can pull from any repo, or branch.
> Now github will offer you a http url you can do to git clone - DO NOT 
> USE IT. I have never had it succeed for me. You need to use the 
> ssh/native one. if you can't use ssh - we will have to find a way to, 
> perhaps, mail round a zipped up repo (you can do this) and you 
> download that, and then setup git, and pull any subsequent changes.
> Things may have changed, but the http version of git has never been 
> that great for me at least (others may correct me)
> On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Andrew Waterman <awaterma at ecosur.mx 
> <mailto:awaterma at ecosur.mx>> wrote:
>     Hi Geoffrey,
>     I imagine the GitHub repository will have a public face that
>     non-committers can pull from or Fork.  Will you guys be
>     broadcasting this location once the move is complete?  I had tried
>     git-svn with the Drools SVN public location, but could never get
>     the command to finish.  It will be nice to be able to pull and
>     work with your public source from GitHub.  Thanks!
>     best wishes,
>     Andrew
>     On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
>>     Hi guys,
>>     This is just a friendly reminder that
>>     I need your github login by the end of the day
>>     if you have SVN commit rights and want to have those on github too.
>>     Do include your svn login, full name and github used e-mail address.
>>     Op 11-12-10 16:49, Geoffrey De Smet schreef:
>>>     Hi guys,
>>>     We been talking a while on this on IRC,
>>>     so now, like many other JBoss projects (hibernate, infinispan, ...),
>>>     *we are moving to git on github*.
>>>     - What do you need to do? => MUST READ, *deadline Thursday
>>>     16-DEC-2010*
>>>     - Why are we moving to git?
>>>     - What will you get by moving to git?
>>>     What do you need to do?
>>>     ===============
>>>     If you are a drools committer and wish to continue committing
>>>     after next Saturday 18-DEC-2010.
>>>     1) Install git for your OS
>>>       1a) Linux: Install the package git (and optionally gitk)
>>>         $ sudo apt-get install git
>>>         $ sudo apt-get install gitk
>>>       1b) Windows: Use the icon on the right on http://git-scm.com
>>>     <http://git-scm.com/>
>>>       1c) Mac OSX: Use the icon on the right on http://git-scm.com
>>>     <http://git-scm.com/> (and optionally install gitx from
>>>     http://gitx.frim.nl/ )
>>>     2) Install git in your IDE
>>>       2b) Eclipse: Install the EGit plugin. Menu Help, menu item
>>>     Install new software. Work with update site Helios, open Tree
>>>     item Collaboration, tree item Eclipse EGit.
>>>       2c) IntelliJ: Enable the git plugin (if not enabled): menu
>>>     file, menu item Other Settings, menu item Configure plugins.
>>>     3) Get a Github account: https://github.com/signup/free
>>>     4) Configure git correctly (Github also tells you this):
>>>       $ git --version
>>>       git version 1.7.1
>>>       $ git config --global user.name <http://user.name> myUsername
>>>       $ git config --global user.email myAccount at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:myAccount at gmail.com>
>>>       $ git config --global -l
>>>     user.name <http://user.name>=ge0ffrey
>>>       user.email=ge0ffrey.spam at ...
>>>     5) *Mail me these details before next Thursday 16-DEC-2010*
>>>      (to gds.geoffrey.de.smet at gmail dot com or ge0ffrey.spam at
>>>     gmail dot com )
>>>      if you are a drools committer (which I 'll verify):
>>>      5a) Your Github username
>>>      5b) Your JBoss Subversion username
>>>      5c) Your full name
>>>      5d) Your e-mail address (used on github). Note: you can
>>>     register more than 1 e-mail address on GitHub.
>>>     6) Push your public key to github:
>>>       Follow the instructions on
>>>     http://github.com/guides/providing-your-ssh-key
>>>     *Do NOT commit changes to subversion after Friday evening (so
>>>     after 8:00 GMT Saturday 18-DEC-2010).*
>>>     The svn to git migration will probably take hours. Sorry in
>>>     advance for the hindrance.
>>>     I 'll send a mail to the drools dev list when svn commits are
>>>     forbidden and also when git commits are open.
>>>     More info about the git URL and switching tips & tricks will
>>>     follow soon.
>>>     Why are we moving to git?
>>>     =================
>>>     Subversion has been great (and much better than CVS), but git's
>>>     just better.
>>>     How my life improved since last month when I used svn. by
>>>     Emmanuel Bernard (Hibernate annotations etc lead)
>>>     http://blog.emmanuelbernard.com/2010/05/git-how-my-life-has-improved-since-last-month-when-i-used-svn/
>>>     Why is git better than subversion?
>>>     http://whygitisbetterthanx.com/#svn
>>>     What will you get by moving to git?
>>>     ======================
>>>     - Less merge conflicts and therefor easier branching
>>>     - Pull requests
>>>     Pull requests are /really cool/. It's like /patches on steroids/.
>>>     Ever been in a situation where you made a big, risky change?
>>>     You wanted to commit it (to get it off your plate, it's done),
>>>     but you'd like to get it peer reviewed by colleague X (because
>>>     it's risky).
>>>     But a patch file didn't work because:
>>>     - A patch file can't handle binary files
>>>     - A patch file probably results in a merge conflict on applying
>>>     (so X ignores them)
>>>     - Applying a patch file needs to be done on the correct directory
>>>     - A patch file will forget I am the author and will make X the
>>>     author
>>>     - A patch file does not allow for a conversation when X wants me
>>>     to change something before committing it
>>>     With git, just commit it as a pull request. Take a look at the
>>>     pull requests (with comments!) on hibernate-core:
>>>     https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-core/pulls
>>>     - Multitasking in isolation
>>>     You work on a big improvement but you stumble up an existing bug
>>>     (in the same file(s)).
>>>     You want to fix the bug, the unfinished changes of the big
>>>     improvement break the build.
>>>     And - even worse - the big improvement changes break because of
>>>     the existing bug.
>>>     Read "Multitasking in isolation" on
>>>     http://blog.emmanuelbernard.com/2010/05/git-how-my-life-has-improved-since-last-month-when-i-used-svn/
>>>     -- 
>>>     With kind regards,
>>>     Geoffrey De Smet
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     rules-dev mailing list
>>>     rules-dev at lists.jboss.org  <mailto:rules-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>>     https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/rules-dev
>>     -- 
>>     With kind regards,
>>     Geoffrey De Smet
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     rules-dev mailing list
>>     rules-dev at lists.jboss.org <mailto:rules-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>     https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/rules-dev
>     _______________________________________________
>     rules-dev mailing list
>     rules-dev at lists.jboss.org <mailto:rules-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>     https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/rules-dev
> -- 
> Michael D Neale
> home: www.michaelneale.net <http://www.michaelneale.net>
> blog: michaelneale.blogspot.com <http://michaelneale.blogspot.com>
> _______________________________________________
> rules-dev mailing list
> rules-dev at lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/rules-dev

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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