[rules-dev] Github is loosing changes of commits: only use the command line for now

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 17:34:35 EST 2010

Git is more than just SVN++ apparently...
Because we're not using git properly, some committed changes have be 
undone by others by uncarefull merging to the reference repo.
All commits with changes are in the commit log (even those "lost commits"):

I am trying to find out what's going on and how we should handle it. Not 
sure yet.
I 'll also look into restoring the lost commits.

Meanwhile I'd like to ask you to follow the following instructions:
- *only use the command line to pull or push changes* (for the next 
month, untill we get used to git).
- before you do "git push" do "*git log --branches --not --remotes*" 
This shows you what you'll be pushing
- When doing an "svn update" from master, do "*git pull --rebase*" 
instead of "git pull" (Emmanual recommends that in his blog post).
-- But when doing usin rebasing on a remote topic branch, be careful not 
to break the rule "Do not rebase commits that you have pushed to a 
public repository."
- Do *not* use "git reset" or "git push --force", contact me and keep 
your commits local meanwhile.

HTH a bit already.

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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