[rules-dev] New branch for Drools 5.2.0-M1 release.

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 04:27:09 EST 2010

Not that I am mad, but yea, git knows which parent revision it came from 
and even which commits were cherry picked from master etc.
Sticking the revision in there isn't really useful, as it's not really 
the revision that is going to be released:
there will be bugfix commits applied and possibly even big merges from 

What is bad, is the confusion this creates for anyone who isn't working 
on the release.
What is the release branch for M1? Is it /5.2.0.M1.x/ or /5.2.0-M1.901ad86/?
/There can only be one./ And the rest of us need to be able to guess it.

So follow the naming convention we discussed earlier:

    * all release branches should end in ".x"
          o To avoid confusing them with release tags or topic branches
    * all release tags should be equal to the version the represent
          o and a tag should only be set just before it's uploaded to
            the maven repo and then NEVER changed
                + Yes, with never I mean even if the release is broken.
                  Then just do a hotfix .1 (for example 5.1.1 or
                  5.2.0.M1.1) version
                      # because maven repo's are cached locally forever.

for example:

    * release branch 5.1.x
          o with release tags 5.1.0.CR1, 5.1.0.FINAL, 5.1.1.FINAL
    * release branch 5.2.0.M1.x
          o with release tags 5.2.0.M1
    * release branch 5.2.0.M2.x
          o with release tags 5.2.0.M2
    * release branch 5.2.x
          o with release tags 5.2.0.CR1, 5.2.0.FINAL, 5.2.1.FINAL

Depending on the JBoss version number conventions, the finals release 
versions should end in FINAL or GA or nothing.
It looks like it's ".FINAL" these days, not sure.

Op 23-12-10 09:41, Michael Anstis schreef:
> Ge0ffrey won't be happy ;)
> I'm sure he was keen to drop the revision\version number from the 
> branch name; hence 5.2.0-M1 would probably have sufficed :)
> Cheers,
> Mike
> On 23 December 2010 06:22, Jervis Liu <jliu at redhat.com 
> <mailto:jliu at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     Hi, I've created a new branch for Drools 5.2.0-M1 release:
>     5.2.0-M1.901ad86. This branch is created from version
>     901ad86c8fad67051646. Check
>     https://github.com/droolsjbpm/droolsjbpm/commits/master?page=1 for
>     version details. Please let me know if you think this branch
>     should not
>     contain a certain commit or a certain commit for 5.2.0-M1 release is
>     missed on this branch.
>     Cheers,
>     Jervis
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With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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