[rules-dev] Commented out tests in all modules: Please make them @Ignore tests or remove them

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 14:32:18 EST 2010

 > It works.
The pink tutu? :)

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Op 28-12-10 19:27, Greg Barton schreef:
> It works.
> GreG
> On Dec 28, 2010, at 9:33, Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
> <mailto:ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> No special hat needed, but there's this urban legend that wearing a
>> pink tutu helps the junit to behave correctly :)
>> Never tried it myself. Let me know if it works :)
>> Which version of Eclipse are you using?
>> It's not logical that it picks up @Test but not @Ignore.
>> Which junit 4 version does your eclipse use?
>> Does maven have the same behavior?
>> Op 28-12-10 15:00, Wolfgang Laun schreef:
>>> This doesn't work for me. The annotations org.junit.Test and
>>> ...Ignore can be imported, but running JUnit tests from Eclipse still
>>> executes the so annotated test method.
>>> Do I have to wear a special hat?
>>> -W
>>> On 27 December 2010 10:26, Geoffrey De Smet
>>> <<mailto:ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com>ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     Hi guys,
>>>     Spread over all the modules, there are 63 tests which are
>>>     commented out.
>>>     These tests should probably either be:
>>>     - removed (if we don't want to keep them)
>>>     - commented in and annotated with @Test @Ignore (if we want to
>>>     keep them)
>>>     - commented in (if they succeed and you got time to check that now)
>>>     That way all "ignored" tests will be annotated with @Ignore and
>>>     easy to
>>>     detect (also by hudson).
>>>     Also, that code (no longer commented out) will be refactored along
>>>     (instead of becoming horribly stale).
>>>     Can you take a look at module(s) you work on and clean that up?
>>>     (Do a "git pull --rebase" first.)
>>>     It shouldn't take long.
>>>     I 'll take on drools-repository(2), drools-guvnor(0) and
>>>     drools-planner-core(1).
>>>     Targets
>>>     String '^[ \t]*//[ \t]+public[ \t]+(final[ \t]+)?void[ \t]+test'
>>>     Found usages (63 usages)
>>>     drools-camel (1 usage)
>>>     org.drools.camel.component (1 usage)
>>>     JSonBatchExecutionTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (36: 1) // public void testVsmPipeline() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     drools-clips (11 usages)
>>>     org.drools.clips (11 usages)
>>>     ClipsShellTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (97: 1) // public void test1() {
>>>     CompiledFunctionsTest.java (10 usages)
>>>     (26: 1) // public void testPrintout() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     (45: 1) // public void testBindAndModify() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     (63: 1) // public void testSimpleCreate$() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     (83: 1) // public void testNestedCreate$() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     (130: 1) // public void testIf() throws Exception {
>>>     (168: 1) // public void testWhile() throws Exception {
>>>     (199: 1) // public void testForeach() throws Exception {
>>>     (215: 1) // public void testSwitch() throws Exception {
>>>     (250: 1) // public void testProgn() throws Exception {
>>>     (264: 1) // public void testDefTemplate() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     drools-compiler (13 usages)
>>>     org.drools.compiler (1 usage)
>>>     RuleBaseLoaderTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (33: 1) // public void testEngineType() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     org.drools.integrationtests (9 usages)
>>>     CepEspTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (1352: 1) // public void
>>>     testTransactionCorrelation() throws Exception {
>>>     MultithreadTest.java (5 usages)
>>>     (80: 1) // public void
>>>     testRuleBaseConcurrentCompilation() {
>>>     (176: 1) // public void testExpectedFires() {
>>>     (225: 1) // public void
>>>     testMultithreadDateStringConstraints() {
>>>     (326: 1) // public void
>>>     testSharedPackagesThreadDeadLock() throws Exception {
>>>     (392: 1) // public void testEventExpiration() {
>>>     OutOfMemoryTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (100: 1) // public void testMemoryLeak() {
>>>     StatelessSessionTest.java (2 usages)
>>>     (259: 1) // public void testInAndOutParams() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     (307: 1) // public void testInOutAndOutParams()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     org.drools.lang (2 usages)
>>>     RuleParserTest.java (2 usages)
>>>     (776: 1) // public void testFrom() throws Exception {
>>>     (1532: 1) // public void
>>>     testExpanderUnExpandableErrorLines() throws Exception {
>>>     org.drools.rule.builder.dialect (1 usage)
>>>     JavaAndMVELCombinedTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (37: 1) // public void testJavaMVELCombination()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     drools-core (8 usages)
>>>     org.drools.agent (5 usages)
>>>     CompilerIndependenceTest.java (2 usages)
>>>     (69: 1) // public void testDRL() throws Exception {
>>>     (97: 1) // public void testPKG() throws Exception {
>>>     RuleAgentTest.java (2 usages)
>>>     (167: 1) // public void testSpaces() throws Exception {
>>>     (406: 1) // public void
>>>     testPollingFilesRuleBaseReplace2() throws Exception {
>>>     URLScannerTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (88: 1) // public void testGetURL() throws Exception {
>>>     org.drools.base (1 usage)
>>>     EvaluatorFactoryTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (836: 1) // public void testRegexFoo() {
>>>     org.drools.event.rule (1 usage)
>>>     AgendaEventSupportTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (86: 1) // public void testIsSerializable() {
>>>     org.drools.reteoo (1 usage)
>>>     SchedulerTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (288: 1) // public void testExceptionHandler()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     drools-decisiontables (1 usage)
>>>     org.drools.decisiontable.parser (1 usage)
>>>     RuleWorksheetParseTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (132: 1) // public void
>>>     testComplexWorksheetMissingConditions() throws Exception {
>>>     drools-grid-impl (7 usages)
>>>     org.drools.grid.local (1 usage)
>>>     LocalGridNodeTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (92: 1) // public void
>>>     testWhitePagesAddRemoveAddresss() {
>>>     org.drools.grid.time.impl (5 usages)
>>>     DistributedSchedulerTest.java (5 usages)
>>>     (80: 1) // public void test1() throws Exception {
>>>     (119: 1) // public void
>>>     testDistributedJobSchedullingLocal() {
>>>     (165: 1) // public void
>>>     testDistributedJobSchedulingRemote() {
>>>     (219: 1) // public void testMultipleSchedulersTest() {
>>>     (256: 1) // public void testGetDataFromCoreServices() {
>>>     org.drools.io.mina (1 usage)
>>>     RegisterServicesTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (76: 1) // public void testRegisterInCoreServices() {
>>>     drools-ide-common (5 usages)
>>>     org.drools.ide.common.assistant (1 usage)
>>>     VariableBindingTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (94: 1) // public void testThisDontWorks() {
>>>     org.drools.ide.common.modeldriven.dt (1 usage)
>>>     GuidedDecisionTableTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (39: 1) // public void testGetCol() {
>>>     org.drools.ide.common.server.util (3 usages)
>>>     BRDRLPersistenceTest.java (2 usages)
>>>     (181: 1) // public void testRoundTrip() {
>>>     (361: 1) // public void testLoadEmpty() {
>>>     GuidedDTXMLPersistenceTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (34: 1) // public void testXML() {
>>>     drools-jsr94 (1 usage)
>>>     org.drools.jsr94.rules.admin (1 usage)
>>>     RuleExecutionSetProviderTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (95: 1) // public void testCreateFromElement( )
>>>     throws Exception
>>>     drools-pipeline (1 usage)
>>>     org.drools.runtime.pipeline.impl (1 usage)
>>>     JaxbTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (58: 1) // public void testModelLoad() throws
>>>     Exception {
>>>     drools-planner-core (1 usage)
>>>     org.drools.planner.core.localsearch.decider.forager (1 usage)
>>>     AcceptedForagerTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (137: 1) // public void testPickMoveRandomly() {
>>>     drools-repository (2 usages)
>>>     org.drools.repository (2 usages)
>>>     PackageItemTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (57: 1) // public void testAddPackageProperties()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     ScalabilityTest.java (1 usage)
>>>     (84: 1) // public void testBare() throws Exception {
>>>     drools-spring (2 usages)
>>>     org.drools.container.spring.beans.persistence (2 usages)
>>>     VariablePersistenceStrategyTest.java (2 usages)
>>>     (402: 1) // public void
>>>     testPersistenceVariablesWithTypeChange() {
>>>     (453: 1) // public void
>>>     testPersistenceVariablesSubProcess() {
>>>     drools-verifier (9 usages)
>>>     org.drools.verifier (6 usages)
>>>     RangeCheckCleanTest.java (6 usages)
>>>     (37: 1) // public void
>>>     testUselessIntegerGapsLesser() throws Exception {
>>>     (127: 1) // public void
>>>     testUselessIntegerGapsGreater() throws Exception {
>>>     (222: 1) // public void
>>>     testUselessDoubleGapsLesser() throws Exception {
>>>     (317: 1) // public void
>>>     testUselessDoubleGapsGreater() throws Exception {
>>>     (412: 1) // public void testUselessDateGapsLesser()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     (507: 1) // public void testUselessDateGapsGreater()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     org.drools.verifier.subsumption (3 usages)
>>>     SubsumptantSubRulesTest.java (3 usages)
>>>     (81: 1) // public void testSubpatternSubsumption2()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     (119: 1) // public void testSubpatternSubsumption3()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     (158: 1) // public void testSubpatternSubsumption4()
>>>     throws Exception {
>>>     org.drools.osgi.test (1 usage)
>>>     org.drools.osgi.integrationtests (1 usage)
>>>     JpaOsgi.java (1 usage)
>>>     (74: 1) // public void
>>>     testPersistenceWithUserTransactions() throws Exception {
>>>     Note: this list doesn't include drools-eclipse or any of the
>>>     flow/jBPM
>>>     stuff.
>>>     --
>>>     With kind regards,
>>>     Geoffrey De Smet
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     rules-dev mailing list
>>>     <mailto:rules-dev at lists.jboss.org>rules-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>>     <mailto:rules-dev at lists.jboss.org>
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>>> _______________________________________________
>>> rules-dev mailing list
>>> rules-dev at lists.jboss.org  <mailto:rules-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>>> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/rules-dev
>> --
>> With kind regards,
>> Geoffrey De Smet
>> _______________________________________________
>> rules-dev mailing list
>> rules-dev at lists.jboss.org <mailto:rules-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/rules-dev
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