[rules-dev] OSGi ready commit gives problems

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 14:02:35 EST 2010

Hi guys,

The OSGi ready commit on trunk of a couple of days ago, changed many 
pom.xml files, including the Drools core and Drools Planner pom.xml's.

For example, something like this:




See for example this pom.xml file:

This gives rise to 2 problems:

1) It uses different groupId:artifactId's!
The ramifications of this are big & very backward incompatible:
Lets say project X depends on drools:
- X excludes commons-lang:commons-lang from the drools dependency, now 
he'll get it anyway, because 
org.apache.commons:com.springsource.org.apache.commons.lang is something 
- X depends on commons-lang:commons-lang, now he'll get it twice
- X depends on commons-lang:commons-lang in a different version, now 
he'll get it twice and maven will not get a change to do version 
conflict resolution (picking the highest), now he'll get it twice
and drools might end up being run with a too low commons-lang version!

Remember: most users don't use OSGi and don't like a "com.springsource" 
in their artifactId's.

2) Build problems too apparently:

<nheron> Project ID: org.drools.planner:drools-planner-core
<nheron> POM Location: 
<nheron> Validation Messages:
<nheron>     [0]  'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing for 
<nheron>     [1]  'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing for 
<nheron>     [2]  'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing for 

Because it is backward incompatible, I propose to shelve the OSGi ready 
changes till drools 6.0?

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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