[rules-dev] Exception in runtime

Greg Barton greg_barton at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 22 19:53:47 EDT 2010

In defence of the java library designers, at the time when the ConcurrentModificationException was introduced (java 1.2) the java.util.concurrent package was three versions away from existence.  :)


On Jun 22, 2010, at 6:11 PM, Michael Neale <michael.neale at gmail.com> wrote:

FYI - ConcurrentModificationException is the most misleading exception name  ever !!! - it never really means what you think it means - it means you were modifying some collection while dealing with its iterator or similar - doesn't even need to be more than one thread. How annoying !

So mentally, replace ConcurrentModificationException with "ModifyingACollectionWhileIteratingException" ! Or else, like me, waste years of your life fretting about threading issues only to realise that isn't the problem (and its usually something far simpler).

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 11:25 PM, Mauricio Salatino <salaboy at gmail.com> wrote:
Are you inserting facts from different threads in a statefull session?

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 10:21 AM, <Tom.E.Murphy at wellsfargo.com> wrote:
Anybody have any ideas on this?
We are seeing ConcurrentModificationException while inserting objects into working memory. This happens occasionally, either at service start-up, where the first transaction is being submitted and the rules are loading for the first time, or sometimes under heavy loads with lots of transactions being processed by the service:
Drools 5.0.1-GA
AS: Web Logic
JVM: 1.5
Fragment of stack trace:
Caused by: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
Tom Murphy

Business Process Consultant
Wells Fargo HCFG - CORE Deal Decisioning Platform

800 S. Jordan Creek Parkway | West Des Moines, IA 50266
MAC: X2301-01B
Office: 515 324 4853 | Mobile: 515 423 4334

tom.e.murphy at wellsfargo.com

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