[rules-dev] Working with DSL files

Mahalakshmi mr2809 at nyu.edu
Sun Jun 27 18:10:45 EDT 2010

Thanks for the quick response and I apologize for posting this on a dev
forum. I did not realize.

I am using Jboss- Brms version 5.0.2
Jboss -AS 4.3
Jdeveloper Studio version - 3.0.1.

I did post a problem I was facing with knowledge agent in the previous post.
( I am getting a java based error but I think that because my change-set is
not in correct format but am not sure about it.).

Could you send me link of the update you have added?? Could I access it?

My code snippet for using knowledge agent is as follows ( added it in the
previous post also)
KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.

        // creating a knowledge agent
        KnowledgeAgentConfiguration aconf =

        KnowledgeAgent kagent = KnowledgeAgentFactory.newKnowledgeAgent(
"MyAgent", kbase,aconf );
        kagent.applyChangeSet( ResourceFactory.newUrlResource("
        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession =

  //      StatelessSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatelessSession();
        ArrayList<Ip> ipList = new ArrayList<Ip>();

        ksession.setGlobal("ipList", ipList);
        ksession.insert(al); // al is my data to insert for firing rules on.

Thank you.


On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Esteban Aliverti <
esteban.aliverti at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jill,
> Which drools' version are you using? I recently added DSL/DSLR support in
> knowledge agent. It would be great if you could use what I just did.
> Unfortunately you will need to use a SNAPSHOT or wait until 5.1 RC1.
> I didn't understand if you are already using knowledge agent for brl files
> or not. When using DSL/DSLR files with the knowledge agent whenever you
> modify the DSL resource you will need to mark the DSLR file as modified too
> in order regenerate the rules.
> More info about knowledge agent could be found in documentation (not
> yet DSL/DSLR support :P ).
> By the way, this is not a dev question.
> Best,
> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 6:48 PM, jillika iyer <jillika at gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi,
>> I am creating dsl files using jboss-brms and importing them to my eclipse
>> and adding them to the knowledge agent.
>> Now ideally we need to change a dsl or a brl file to a dslr file inorder
>> for it to be processed by the knowledgebase.
>> So when we use the knowledge agent how does it parse the data and create
>> these files???
>> Please help me out. I just am trying to add everythin directly to my
>> knowledge base and its not working!
>> Thank you
>> Jill
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> Esteban Aliverti
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