[rules-dev] .classpath files within drools trunk

Pablo Nussembaum baunax at gmail.com
Mon May 10 11:20:04 EDT 2010

+1 to delete those files. Then add them to svn:ignore after deleting
them, please.

On Sunday 09,May,2010 11:17 PM, Jervisliu wrote:
> Mark Proctor wrote:
>> On 08/05/2010 15:40, Jervisliu wrote:
>>> Mark Proctor wrote:
>>>> On 08/05/2010 05:13, Michael Neale wrote:
>>>>> I think the past approach was not to have them - and instead let mvn
>>>>> eclipse generate them - but somehow they got checked in along the
>>>>> way. At least it used to be that way.
>>>> Maven use to not be able to build the eclipse files in the entire
>>>> trunk would not build. So from time to time we generate and commit the
>>>> .project and .classpath to keep them up to date.
>>> Personally I prefer not to have these .project and .classpath files
>>> checked in. They are annoying. For example, I always use "mvn
>>> eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse" to generate eclipse project. When I do a
>>> svn commit, these .project and .classpath files always show up as
>>> modified, I have to manually exclude these files from commit list.
>>> Mark, the Maven eclipse project generation problem you mentioned, does
>>> it still exist or has it been fixed in the newer version of maven?
>> I think it's ok now, we can probably delete the files.
> OK, if there are no objects in next 24 hours, I will remove these 
> .project and .classpath files from svn.
> Jervis
>> Mark
>>> Jervis
>>>> Mark
>>>>> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Randy Secrist
>>>>> <randy.secrist at gmail.com<mailto:randy.secrist at gmail.com>>  wrote:
>>>>>      There are a number of references to M2_REPO in eclipse .classpath
>>>>>      files which are appear to no longer be used by the MVN build (for
>>>>>      at least the test case + install phase).  I'm assuming it is
>>>>>      because the CI loop is fine but the eclipse stuff has not been
>>>>>      maintained.
>>>>>      Would any committers here be interested if I patched out the
>>>>>      artifacts within the .classpath files which I don't think we need
>>>>>      anymore and sent up the diff?
>>>>>      or -
>>>>>      should we remove the .classpath and .project?
>>>>>      or -
>>>>>      should we enable the sonatype maven plugin within the .project files?
>>>>>      Some examples are:
>>>>>      drools-decisiontables/.classpath has
>>>>>       - antlr
>>>>>       - cglib
>>>>>       - stringtemplate
>>>>>       - hamcrest-core
>>>>>       - hamcrest-library
>>>>>       - jmock-legacy
>>>>>       - jmock
>>>>>       - objenesis
>>>>>      Let me know what you guys think ...
>>>>>      -- Randy Secrist
>>>>>      GE Healthcare
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Michael D Neale
>>>>> home: www.michaelneale.net<http://www.michaelneale.net>
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