[rules-dev] Guvnor build changes summary

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 11:12:44 EDT 2010

Hi guys,

The Guvnor build has changed somewhat. Here's the changes:
- "mvn clean compile" now compiles the GWT java sources to javascript 
with the gwt-maven-plugin.
-- So now, to really clean build guvnor, you don't need to run the ANT 
script separate no more
-- The maven plugin is about 50% faster than the ANT script.
-- This makes the entire drools build slower (as it now gwt compiles 
too), but I am looking into improving that (for example in a development 
mode profile, we can only gwt compile to english and firefox)
- The generated GWT javascript files have been removed from subversion 
and are now generated under the target/drools-guvnor directory
-- No more A43BF34D23567676DF.js files in svn or tree conflicts on those 

I haven't split up drools-guvnor into drools-guvnor-gwtclient and 
drools-guvnor-server, because GWT simply doesn't really allow that (not 
without making the solution worse than the problem at least...).

If you feel any rough edges, let me know and I 'll take a look at it.

I 'll remove the old ANT script soon, once the maven filtering for the 
version and revision is in place.
With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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