[rules-dev] Analysis: variable constraint with index causes SIOOBEx

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 05:19:31 EDT 2010

5.1 and trunk permits you to write e.g.

   Foo( $array: array )
   Bar( this == $array[0] )

but this crashes druing compilation with
 java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
    at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1949)

It's OK by this syntax:
   accessor_element ; ID square_chunk* ;

Processing in DescriptorFactory handles []:

createAccessorPath(List<BaseDescr> aeList) {
if (name.indexOf('.') > -1 || name.indexOf('[') > -1) {
            evaluator = new QualifiedIdentifierRestrictionDescr();

Then in PatternBuilder, we end up in this variant of the overloaded method

  private Restriction buildRestriction(final RuleBuildContext context,
                                         final InternalReadAccessor
                                         final FieldConstraintDescr
QualifiedIdentifierRestrictionDescr qiRestrictionDescr)

and this is where it happens, lastDot being == -1.

{        final int lastDot = qiRestrictionDescr.getText().lastIndexOf( '.'
        final String className = qiRestrictionDescr.getText().substring( 0,

lastDot );

If the syntax isn't too permissive, then this method would have to handle
x[y] in
addition to x.y, etc.

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