[rules-dev] [rules-users] Shame on Progress and Savvion

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Fri Sep 3 13:42:21 EDT 2010

  We just made #4 on dzone, please keep the votes coming, let's see if 
we can make #1

On 03/09/2010 01:47, Mark Proctor wrote:
> Progress has recently ripped off the Drools community and has offered 
> nothing in return, not even a curtesy nod of accreditation for our 
> hard work.. 30% of that 49mill USD would go a long way to helping us 
> invest in our tooling which would benefit all of us :) and maybe the 
> Drools team can have it's next team meeting in Hawaii and pay for all 
> the community members to come too. Cocktails anyone? :)
> http://blog.athico.com/2010/09/progress-buy-bridge-in-brooklyn-savvion.html
> I'm just having a little bit of fun, at their expense, which is well 
> deserved for such shockingly bad behaviour. So I would urge anyone 
> else to join in and have some fun too :) Do your own blogs, polls etc 
> to bring attention to this.
> http://blog.athico.com/2010/09/breaking-news-have-your-vote-on-what.html
> And please vote up at Digg and DZone to help raise awareness:
> http://www.dzone.com/links/progress_buy_a_bridge_in_brooklyn_savvion_brms_an.html 
> <http://www.dzone.com/links/progress_buy_a_bridge_in_brooklyn_savvion_brms_an.html>
> http://digg.com/news/technology/drools_progress_buy_a_bridge_in_brooklyn_savvion_brms_and_make_del_boy_trotter_proud
> Being slightly less tongue in check, this is just the reality of open 
> source, I've been doing this a long time now and I know you just have 
> to live with it, take the lumps with the smooth - as long as you get 
> more smooth than lumps, it's still worthwhile :) At it's best it 
> brings people together who collaborate and help each other and enrich 
> the open-source eco system. At it's worst you have organisations such 
> as Progress executing on predatory amoral tactics. The debate on 
> whether all corporations are ultimately operating on degrees of 
> amorality is out of scope for today :) As each year goes buy you start 
> to appreciate Red Hat more for the sterling work it does in open 
> source. While it would be nice if Progress got involved and 
> contributed to Drools, the reality is that this doesn't both me as 
> much as you think it would. It hasn't lestened the Drools community 
> and technology, we still go from strength to strength, and I've always 
> been more concerned about what we are doing and achieving than what 
> someone else may or may not be doing with regards to taking advantage 
> of our work.
> Ultimately this is actually quite flattering and re-affirms the 
> strength of our technology and the directions we are going. I'd rather 
> have an organisation using Drools and moving it one step closing to 
> being a defacto standard, than they partner with someone else or 
> develop yet another rule engine splintering the market and confusing 
> users. "Drools Everywhere" has alwas been my moto :)
> However that said, anyone who knows me, knows I have a mischievous 
> sense of humour and if Progress and Savvion aren't even going to at 
> the very least accredit us then they are fair game and surely myself 
> and the Drools community deserve a little fun at their expense :)
> Mark - The Mischievous Lead
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