[rules-dev] Drools syntax diagrams - redrawn

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 09:40:32 EDT 2010


The grammar syntax is the same as used in DRL.g but stripped of all the
antsy additions, and simplified.

@Mark: I'm well aware of the limitations of a 1:1 translation of a parser's
grammar into diagrams. I have reduced the splits into separate rules in
DRL.g considerably. But what do you want to hide from the users? The syntax
is the syntax, and there's no sweet-talking around it after you have reduced
all the noise from technical splits.

One thing that might help would be deprecating things like infix or/and.

Some rules can be omitted if they coincide with Java's own rules; just add
an explanation.


On 22 September 2010 14:56, Anstis, Michael (M.) <manstis1 at ford.com> wrote:

> What was the service and was it the ANTLR grammar you uploaded to
> generate the images?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rules-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org
> [mailto:rules-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Wolfgang Laun
> Sent: 22 September 2010 13:38
> To: Rules Dev List
> Subject: [rules-dev] Drools syntax diagrams - redrawn
> I've found this online service and stuffed the Drools grammar into it.
> You may see the results while they are still there:
> http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/~brf09510/syntax.tmp/x45371x0x0x.ebnf.h
> tml<http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/%7Ebrf09510/syntax.tmp/x45371x0x0x.ebnf.h%0Atml>
> <http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/%7Ebrf09510/syntax.tmp/x45371x0x0x.ebn
> f.html<http://www-cgi.uni-regensburg.de/%7Ebrf09510/syntax.tmp/x45371x0x0x.ebn%0Af.html>
> >
> -W
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