[rules-dev] Declarative Agenda

Mauricio Salatino salaboy at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 18:15:09 EDT 2011

Hi man, I didn't have the time to review the code of this feature but I'm
really interested to understand how you are achieving this:
-All matched rule's Activations are inserted into WorkingMemory as
How are you getting the newly created activation and inserting it inside the
working memory? Are you wrapping the real Activation Object or creating a
new representation of it?  I want to understand how you are managing the
information and if you create a hook to do that to be able to copy the same
mechanism and apply it for processes.


On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:29 AM, Mark Proctor <mproctor at codehaus.org> wrote:

> I just got a first cut working for "declarative agenda". The idea here
> is rules can control which rule can or cannot fire. Because this is
> highly experimental it is off by default and users must explicitely
> enable it, it will stay this way until we are happy with the solution.
> My hope is that it will provide a more declarative approach to execution
> control; which will enable more readable and maintainable rules compared
> to using magic salience values and in some circumstances control objects..
>         KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kconf =
> KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration();
>         kconf.setOption( DeclarativeAgendaOption.ENABLED );
>         KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(
> kconf );
> The basic idea is:
> -All matched rule's Activations are inserted into WorkingMemory as
> facts. So you can now match against an Activation the rules metadata and
> declarations are available as -fields on the Activation object.
> -You can use the kcontext.block( $a ) for the current rule to block the
> selected activation. Only when that rule becomes false will the
> activation be elegible for firing. If it is already elebible for firing
> and is later blocked, it will be removed from the agenda until it is
> unblocked.
> -An activation may have multiple blockers, all blockers must became
> false, so they are removed to enable the activation to fire
> -kcontext.unblockAll( $a ) is an over-ride rule that will remove all
> blockers regardless
> - at activationListener('direct') allows a rule to fire as soon as it's
> matched, this is to be used for rules that block/unblock activations, it
> is not desirable for these rules to have side effects that impact else
> where. The name may change later, this is actually part of the pluggable
> terminal node handlers I made, which is an "internal" feature for the
> moment.
> I should be committing this later today, and will send a follow up email
> once it hits HEAD, but here is a unit test. It uses a control role to
> stop all rules with metadata declaring the rules to be in the "sales"
> department. Only when that control rule becomes false can they fire.
> package org.domain.test
> import org.drools.runtime.rule.Activation
> global java.util.List list
> dialect 'mvel'
> rule rule1 @department('sales')
> when
>      $s : String( this == 'go1' )
> then
>     list.add( kcontext.rule.name + ':' + $s );
> end
> rule rule2 @department('sales')
> when
>      $s : String( this == 'go1' )
> then
>     list.add( kcontext.rule.name + ':' + $s );
> end
> rule rule3 @department('sales')
> when
>      $s : String( this == 'go1' )
> then
>     list.add( kcontext.rule.name + ':' + $s );
> end
> rule blockerAllSalesRules @activationListener('direct')
> when
>      $s : String( this == 'go2' )
>      $i : Activation( department == 'sales' )
> then
>     list.add( $i.rule.name + ':' + $s  );
>     kcontext.block( $i );
> end
> KnowledgeBaseConfiguration kconf =
> KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBaseConfiguration();
> kconf.setOption( DeclarativeAgendaOption.ENABLED );
> KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase( kconf );
> kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages() );
> StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
> List list = new ArrayList();
> ksession.setGlobal( "list", list);
> ksession.insert(  "go1" );
> FactHandle go2 = ksession.insert(  "go2" );
> ksession.fireAllRules();
> assertEquals( 3, list.size() ); // none of the rules 1-3 fire, as they
> are blocked.
> assertTrue( list.contains( "rule1:go2" ));
> assertTrue( list.contains( "rule2:go2" ));
> assertTrue( list.contains( "rule3:go2" ));
> list.clear();
> ksession.retract( go2 ); // the blocker rule is nolonger true, so rules
> 1-3 can now fire.
> ksession.fireAllRules();
> assertEquals( 3, list.size() );
> assertTrue( list.contains( "rule1:go1" ));
> assertTrue( list.contains( "rule2:go1" ));
> assertTrue( list.contains( "rule3:go1" ));
> ksession.dispose();
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 - CTO @ http://www.plugtree.com
 - MyJourney @ http://salaboy.wordpress.com
 - Co-Founder @ http://www.jbug.com.ar

 - Salatino "Salaboy" Mauricio -
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