[rules-dev] accumulate to acc

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 13:17:07 EDT 2011

On 18 August 2011 18:38, Mark Proctor <mproctor at codehaus.org> wrote:

> We are looking to tighten up accumulate, using a new keyword to
> differentiate. It will use ; for separation, to follow a similar form to
> a 'for' loop.
> acc( CE*;
> <func>*;
> <guard>? )
> so something like:
> acc( $o : Order();
>         $min : min( $o.value ),
>         $max : max($o.value);
>         $min > 100 && $max < 100 )

Given that I can do this today using an eval after the accumulate CE: What's
the big gain, as compared to the nuisance of yet another CE, with the need
to document (which, traditionally, isn't done so eagerly) and teach and
learn and getting it free of bugs?


> I have wondered if we could use pipes on our functions, to be able to
> pass the results of one function into another - just not sure how that
> will work or look yet.
> func(...) in func(...)
> func(...) | func(...)
> Mark
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