[rules-dev] else

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Fri Aug 19 19:34:31 EDT 2011

For further info, this is what ilog do. They only allow an implicit 
"else" on the last "evaluate" expression. Which while simple is quite 

rule  ruleName  {
       {conditioni  evaluate (expression)}
        {[action1  ...actionp]}

OPSJ is the only engine that i know of that uses labels:

x.name == obj,
x.weight == "light",
x.location != g.location);
mky: monkey;
[4] (mky.holds == obj);
} do {
makegoal("walkto", loc);
} else( 4 ) {
makegoal("holds", obj);

Although I would encourage people to think beyond simple "if/else", the 
proposal I put forward would allow for tree like data flows for signal 
processing - which will map very nicely to GUI tooling.


On 19/08/2011 13:56, Toni Rikkola wrote:
> I got the same feeling that Geoffrey had about readability.
> We added "from" its really easy to get, why not add "else".
> when
>     Person( name == "darth" )  else  [darthIsMissing]
>     A()
> then
>    ....
> then.darthIsMissing
>   log("Darth was never found");
> end
> or
> when
>     Person( name == "darth" )  else  { log("Darth was never found"); }
>     A()
> then
>    ....
> end
> "Inline then" could be done with inner rules. Similar to what Mario 
> suggested.
> rule "Handle Login"
>   when
>     $loginRequest :LoginRequest()
>     AuthorizedUsers( list contains $loginRequest.user ) else 
> [unsuccessfulLoginAttempt]
>       inner rule "Check if Admin"
>          $p :AdminRights( user == $loginRequest.user )
>       then
>          showAdminMenu();
>        end
>   then
>     logInUser( $loginRequest.user );
>   then.unsuccessfulLoginAttempt
>     log( "There was and unsuccessful login attempt with the user name 
> " + $loginRequest.user.name );
> end
> Toni
> On Aug 19, 2011, at 2:59 PM, Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
>> I like Mario's proposal because I can actually read it.
>> Those special chars | < are gibberish to me.
>> The only reason we're not debating to use a new readable, intuitive 
>> keyword, is because of the back-wards compatibility issues involved.
>> But using unreadable, unintuitive special char just for that, is 
>> probably not a good idea.
>> I wonder if we reserve new keywords by prefix them with reserved 
>> special char like "@"?
>> Then we can introduce as many keywords as we want without breaking 
>> backwards compatibility.
>> Who's our target users for DRL authors?
>> A) Supersmart computer science guys
>> B) Blue collar Java programmers
>> C) Domain experts (= not programmers)
>> I 'd classify "{notA} < A()" as (given some time to learn it) 
>> readable for A, but not for B and C.
>> Op 18-08-11 23:35, Mario Fusco schreef:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> Since you're gathering 2 cents here and there I decided to add also 
>>> mine even if I am pretty sure that I am still missing the whole 
>>> picture and anyway at the moment I cannot see all the consequences 
>>> of what I am going to propose.
>>> To tell you the truth I find the label syntax not very intuitive and 
>>> I was wondering if we could avoid it in some way. In the end what 
>>> the 90% of the users are asking for is just something like:
>>> rule R
>>>     when
>>>         A()
>>>     then
>>>         do something
>>>     else
>>>         do something else
>>> end
>>> while we are going to give them something that is not exactly the same:
>>> rule R
>>>     when
>>>         {notA} < A()
>>>     then
>>>         do something
>>>     then.notA
>>>         do something else
>>> end
>>> In particular I was thinking if we could keep the when ... then ... 
>>> else syntax that should be familiar to the biggest part of the users 
>>> and at the same time obtain a flexibility similar to the one 
>>> provided by the labels syntax. Probably we could do it with a kind 
>>> of nested rules so, for instance, the rule:
>>> rule R1
>>>     when
>>>         {af} < A() > {at}
>>>         B()
>>>     then
>>>         DO
>>> then.af <http://then.af/>
>>>         DO.af
>>> then.at <http://then.at/>
>>> DO.at <http://DO.at>
>>> end
>>> could be rewritten as it follows:
>>> rule R1
>>>     when
>>>         B()
>>>     then
>>>         DO
>>>         rule R1A
>>>             when
>>>                 A()
>>>             then
>>> DO.at <http://DO.at>
>>>             else
>>>                 DO.af
>>>         end
>>> end
>>> Of course the nested rule couldn't be used by the Drools engine as 
>>> it is, but we could implement a kind of "linearization" process at 
>>> compile time that translates it more or less as:
>>> rule R1_1
>>>     when
>>>         A()
>>>         B()
>>>     then
>>>         DO
>>> DO.at <http://DO.at>
>>> end
>>> rule R1_2
>>>     when
>>>         not A()
>>>         B()
>>>     then
>>>         DO
>>>         DO.af
>>> end
>>> In the same way the "or" example:
>>> rule R1
>>> when
>>>     (     A() > {a1} or
>>>         B() > {b1} or
>>>         C() > {c1} )
>>>     D()
>>> then
>>>     DO
>>> then.a1
>>>     DO.a1
>>> then.b1
>>>     DO.b1
>>> then.c1
>>>     DO.c1
>>> end
>>> could be written as:
>>> rule R1
>>>     when
>>>         D()
>>>     then
>>>         DO
>>>         rule R1A
>>>             when
>>>                 A()
>>>             then
>>>                 DO.a1
>>>         end
>>>         rule R1B
>>>             when
>>>                 B()
>>>             then
>>>                 DO.b1
>>>         end
>>>         rule R1C
>>>             when
>>>                 C()
>>>             then
>>>                 DO.c1
>>>         end
>>> end
>>> and then linearized at compile time in a similar way as I wrote before.
>>> Once again I still haven't evaluated all the implications of my 
>>> suggestion neither I know if we can cover with it all the cases 
>>> proposed by Mark. I am pretty sure I am missing something important 
>>> to be honest, but since we are in a "brainstorming phase" I thought 
>>> it could worth to consider it at least.
>>> My 2 cents,
>>> Mario
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>> -- 
>> With kind regards,
>> Geoffrey De Smet
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