[rules-dev] RIF PRD translation effort to/from Drools & Jess

pdl at agh.edu.pl pdl at agh.edu.pl
Thu Feb 10 04:10:13 EST 2011


I just don't have time to go into the Drools code myself (done that in the
past though, so I know a little bit about it). To go the way you describe,
I suggest filling an application to the google summer of code
(http://www.google-melange.com/) or something similar. I seem to remember
Drools has already taken part in this program so I assume you're familiar
with it.

If I can help with the above, please let me know.

Edson Tirelli
Wed, 09 Feb 2011 13:12:01 -0800


   Good to see works like yours being done.

   Drools has an internal canonical model that we use to round trip rules
between the syntaxes we support. The best way of supporting "RIF" in
is to simply add a parser that parses RIF and populates the canonical
>From that we have a DRL "dumper" that generates DRL, enabling the
translation. Also, if we create a RIF "dumper", one can then generate RIF
rules from the canonical model, enabling DRL->RIF translation. That
that there is a 1-to-1 semantic mapping between RIF and DRL (I believe
is, but didn't checked).


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