[rules-dev] Misleading documentation? Eval-uate your understanding!

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Mon Feb 14 10:12:07 EST 2011

On 14/02/2011 09:30, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
> Compare these three quotes from the current Expert documentation:
> (1) Return Value restriction (...) must return results that do not 
> depend on time.
> (2) An inline eval constraint (...) expression (...) expression must 
> be constant over time.
> (3) [CE] Evals (...) are (...) ideal (...) when functions return 
> values that change over time.
There are two aspects here. One was indexing. Field constraint are 
potentially indexed, evals were not. For indexing to work the 
evaluations must be time constant or the update and retract fails.

Eval nodes have no joins and no indexing so they are safe from time 
sensitive changes.

Drools 4.0 implemented shadow facts in the same way that Jess did. 
Further more Drools allows nested access access. When a modify or 
retract was done if something had changed and the engine was not aware 
of it, or a nested field changed, it effectively broke the engine - 
modifies and retracts would not work. Eval was/is slightly less immune 
from that.

Drools 5.0 uses tree graph approach and now retracts will always work 
and aren't sensitive to any data. Modifies can still potentially be a 
problem as it can screw up indexing if you changed a nested field 
without notifying the engine. Eval has no indexing, so is not impacted 
by this.

> Note that this appears to mean that the behaviour of (1) == (2) != (3).
> Many things can or must "change over time:" fact data, global data, 
> results of constructors such as new Date() or methods such as 
> System.currentTimeMillis().
> So what can I use in an Eval CE that cannot be used in a Return Value 
> or Inline Eval?
> Perhaps this is trying to convey some notion of caching for 
> constraints and the evaluation strategy for LHS, but then the wording 
> is insufficient. Let's make an experiment.
> Example 1:Given these rules and one pair of facts A, B, which of the 
> three rules ab1, ab2, ab3 will fire after the last rule (a) fires? 
> There are 8 possible answers. (You may notice that there is some 
> redundancy in each rule.)
> rule ab1
> when
>     A( $va:va, $b: b )       eval( $va + $b.getVb() > 100 )
>     B( this == $b, $vb: vb ) eval( $va + $vb > 100 )
> then
>     System.out.println( "ab1: a+b > 100" );
> end
> rule ab2
> when
>     A( $va:va, $b: b ,      eval( $va + $b.getVb() > 100 ) )
>     B( this == $b, $vb: vb, eval( $va + $vb > 100 ) )
> then
>     System.out.println( "ab2: a+b > 100" );
> end
> rule ab3
> when
>     $a: A( $b: b ,     $va: va > ( 100 - $b.getVb() ) )
>         B( this == $b, $vb: vb > ( 100 - $a.getVa() ) )
> then
>     System.out.println( "ab3: a+b > 100" );
> end
> rule a
> salience -10
> no-loop true
> when
>     $a: A( $va: va )
>     $b: B( $vb: vb )
> then
>     modify( $b ){ setVb( 200 ) }
> end
> Example 2: Now change the first line in the when parts according to:
> ab1:
>     A( $va:va, $b: b )
> ab2:
> A( $va:va, $b: b )
> ab3:
>    $a: A( $b: b )
> Which of the three rules ab1, ab2, ab3 will fire now after the last 
> rule (a) fires?
> Wolfgang
> PS: Scroll down for the answers.
> v
> v
> v
> v
> v
> v
> v
> Example 1: None of the rules fires.
> Example 2: All three rules fire.
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