[rules-dev] repo droolsjbpm-knowledge => check your settings

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 15:23:03 EST 2011

And don't forget to check your settings :)

    * *Do not include @author tags in new files*
          o For motivation see: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-2869
          o All author tags have been stripped (done during split-up)
    * *Line endings are unix (\n)*
          o All files now have unix line endings (done during split-up)
    * *Do not use tab characters (\t)*
          o All files now use spaces instead of tabs (done during split-up)
    * *The license header should start with /*, not /**.*
          o All files now use correctly use /* (done during split-up).
    * Encoding for all files (except property files) is UTF-8
          o Not changes during split-up

For detailed instructions on how to configure this fast correctly, see 
the README.txt file, now at:

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Op 18-02-11 21:20, Geoffrey De Smet schreef:
> 2 repo's unfrozen: droolsjbpm-knowledge (drools-api now known as
> knowledge-api) and drools (drools-core, compiler, jsr94, ...)
> Repo's still frozen: drools-build-bootstrap (the parent pom) and
> drools-build-distribution
> I'll make it easier to clone all and provide decent documentation over
> the next few days.

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