[rules-dev] Traits, Duck Typing and Dynamic Semantic Learning

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Wed Jul 6 10:37:21 EDT 2011

Duck typing is the ability to say that something implements an 
interface. In this article I'll focus on triples (sets of key value 
pairs) such as Maps in Java or Dictionaries in other languages. I will 
outline how the concepts of traits could be used in Drools to infer 
semantic abstractions over sets of triples, which allows for dynamic 
semantic learning over time. The terms map and triple set will be used 

Duck typing over triples is the ability to say that the instance that 
represents the set of triples can be treated like an instance of a 
interface. This allows static type safe access to dynamic triple 
structures, it also allows abstraction through semantic representation 
of what that thing is; i.e. it's not just a set of arbitrary triples, it 
is a Student. MVEL does not yet support the "dons", as in "wears" 
keyword, so please take this as illustrative. The keyword may change 
eventually but it was proposed by Davide Sottara, who is POCing this idea.

I'll use MVEL like syntax to demonstrate:

bean = [ name = "Zod", age = 150 ]
bean dons Human
assertEquals( "Zod", bean.name )
assertEquals( 150, bean.age)

Without the don's keyword to duck type the map to the interface this 
would not compile as the compiler would report a static typing error of 
unknown fields for “name” and “age”.

Now that we know duck typing can be used to allow static type safety 
access to map. What else can we do? In a rule based system if we used 
triples to represent facts (which is what semantic ontologies do) we 
can't declare up front what interfaces a map wears, and those interfaces 
might change over time too. So we can use special rules to dynamically 
apply traits to a triple set.

rule Human when
     $tp : Map( this contains [ "name" : String, "age" : int ] )
     $tp dons Human// that $tp instance is now recognised by all other rules that match on Human

rule HelloWorld when
     $s : Human() // this will actually match against the Map "donned" to Human
     println( "hello " + $s.name );

We can see the rule that applies the trait can probably have a first 
class representation for it's use case. Which makes the rules intent far 
more obvious thus increasing the readability and maintainability of the 

trait Human( String name, int age ) when

In the above, "trait" is a new keyword and Human is the trait name. We 
pass all the fields and their type as arguments. The triple set must 
contain at least those keys, but of course it may contain more. Notice 
we have an empty "when" block. The reason for this is we can apply 
different logic as to when a trait is applied, beyond just matching 
known keys to fields.

For instance if someone is Human and is also 18 years of age or younger 
we can apply a further abstraction and say the are not just Human but 
also a Student. We use the "dons" keyword after the arguments to say the 
existing traits the Map must already wear, i.e. abstractions we already 
know about the thing.

trait Student( String name, int age ) dons Human  when
     age(<  18; )

The proposed syntax would allow argument names to be used as the pattern 
head and the type is inferred. We could also allow operators to be used 
in the positional syntax. This is to give compact sugar for "Integer( 
this < 18 ) from age".

So now we have a system to detect and recognise sets of triples and 
declare what traits they have; what abstractions we infer for them. As 
the system learns new things keys may be added to the map and new 
abstractions can be inferred by declaring more traits,which in turn 
allows further reasoning. Keys may also be removed which results in 
traits being removed.

One of the problems of a purely tripled based approach is performance, 
both in terms of execution speed but more important memory usage. If 
"name" and "age" both have to be represented as objects the system is 
going to bloat fast. What we want is to allow a mixed type system of 
static and dynamic relations. The relations are what we refer to for 
each of the key/value pairs in the triple set, i.e. a property (bean 
getter and setter pair, normally on a member field) is a relation on a 
class. When a normal bean is inserted we will know it don's all the 
interfaces it implements and thus all the properties those interfaces 
declares. When accessing those properties we will do so via the standard 
getter or setters. This means properties we know up front and that don't 
change, can be declare using standard java fields with getter and 
setters. Allowing quick access and low memory utilisation. However we 
will allow further relations (triples) to be associated with the 
instance, as “dynamic” properties. The specialised 'trait' rules will 
uniformly detect existing static properties or dynamically added properties.

It's important to remember that a trait is a runtime applied interface 
to given instance, and just that instance. Bean instances of the same 
concrete type can wear different traits at any given time. Except of 
course for the statically declare interfaces on the concrete implementation.

Lets work through a complete example now. Human is a type declaration 
which is generated as an actual class from which beans can be initiated, 
“name”, “age” and “gender” are static relations. Young, Boy and 
FussyEater are all interfaces. Human extends TripleSet so that we know 
that further dynamic relations can be added and traits applied. We 
detect the bean instance is “< 18” and thus the trait Young is applied 
and that if the gender is M the trait Boy is applied. Further if a 
property exists, either static or dynamic (the two are seamless in the 
syntax) called “dislikes” with a value of “carrots” we apply the 
FussyEater trait.

declare Human extends TripleSet
     String name;
     int age;
     Gender gender; // M/F enum

trait Young(int age) dons Human when
     age(<  18; )

trait Boy(Gender gender) dons Young when
     Gender( Gender.M; )

trait FussyEater(String dislikes) dons Boy when
     dislikes( “carrots”; )

Now that we have a system that can detect and declare fussy eaters, lets 
us it. First declare a person who is 16, that will be an actual bean 
instance. Then add the dynamic property “dislikes”. Finally insert a new 
command to give that person some ice cream.

// Lets declare a new triple for a given bean instance that we instantiated from Human
Human human = new Human( “Zod”, 16 )
human.add(  [dislikes : “carrots”]  )
insert ( human )
insert( new GiveIceCream( human ) );

We can now have a single rule that disallows fussy eaters from getting 
ice cream. How cool is that :)

rule “Don't give icecream to boys who are fussy eaters”
      $f : FussyEater()
      $d : GiveIceCream( $f; )
    retract ( $d )

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