[rules-dev] Declared types - extension

Michael Anstis michael.anstis at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 11:28:48 EDT 2011

Here's some detail from Sotty:-

   - It is indeed necessary to declare a legacy class if you want another to
   extend it.

   - The classFieldAccessor constructor requires both getter and setter to
   be present for each field, so there's indeed a bug. A field must be
   inherited if and only if it has both getter and setter (right now, only the
   getter is checked). I have put an additional condition in the
   PackageBuilder: this will allow to extend non-bean "legacy" classes.

   - Currently, when you redeclare a field, it is overridden. On a second
   and third thought, I do not "like" this behaviour, so I have changed the PB
   to prevent fields from being overridden :)

   - It is still possible to redeclare a field with the same name if the
   type is the same

   - Declared metadata is already inherited by extenders

Thanks for the insights Sotty.


On 13 July 2011 13:00, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Wolfgang, still no news as to the expected behaviour :(
> Sotty, I appreciate you are probably busy with other activities, however
> any your thoughts on the following would be most welcome:-
>    - For POJOs is a field only added to the declared type if it has a
>    getter and setter (something laune said he'd seen; email earlier in this
>    thread)?
>    - Are fact-level annotations inherited?
>    - Are field-level annotations inherited?
>    - Type erasure on subclasses, if type A declares "myVar : String" and
>    type B extends A and declaring "myVar : Integer", what should happen?
> For others interested, here's some answers already received:
>    - Can declarative types extend Java POJOs and other declared types?
> <sotty> yes
>    - For POJO's do I need to include an "empty" declaration? So "declare
>    java.util.ArrayList end" if I want to "declare MyList extends ArrayList" in
>    a java.util package?
> <sotty> no, it should be enough to import the fqn or use it in the
> "extends".
> *<manstis> note this is different to what is documented in the Drools
> Expert user-guide
> *
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On 12 July 2011 13:12, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis at gmail.com> wrote:
>> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBRULES-3133 created.
>> On 12 July 2011 13:08, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There's also a quirk regarding the class resolution:-
>>> Given Person class:-
>>> package com.guvnor.domain;
>>> import java.math.BigDecimal;
>>> public class Person {
>>>     private BigDecimal salary;
>>>     public BigDecimal getSalary() {
>>>         return salary;
>>>     }
>>>     public void setSalary(BigDecimal salary) {
>>>         this.salary = salary;
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> The following compiles OK:-
>>> package com.sample
>>> import com.guvnor.domain.Person
>>> declare Person
>>> end
>>> However the following does not (without explicitly importing
>>> java.math.BigDecimal - which is a field type in Person):-
>>> package com.sample
>>> import com.guvnor.domain.Person
>>> import com.guvnor.domain.Address
>>> declare Person
>>> end
>>> declare Person2 extends Person
>>>     flange : String
>>> end
>>> Error being "Unknown DroolsError class
>>> org.drools.compiler.TypeDeclarationError: Unable to find class 'BigDecimal'
>>> ".
>>> With kind regards,
>>> Mike
>>> On 11 July 2011 08:41, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Subsection 5.7.7 discusses 'extends' and describes how it is done for
>>>> types declared in Java.
>>>> One finesse is apparently not documented: Java types must be proper
>>>> JavaBeans; otherwise the construction of the accessors will fail. (Try, for
>>>> instance, a property with a getter but no matching setter.)
>>>> HTH
>>>> -W
>>>> On 10 July 2011 22:29, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> What's the rules around declared types extending another (declared)
>>>>> type?
>>>>> I've been asked to provide for declared type extension in Guvnor (by
>>>>> Prakash) but the Expert user-guide doesn't say it exists at the engine
>>>>> level.
>>>>> I tried "declare MyType extends java.util.ArrayList" and received a
>>>>> parser\compiler error stating "java.util.ArrayList was not a declared type"
>>>>> (or words to that effect) so some form of extension appears possible.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Mike
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