[rules-dev] Perhaps an undocumented feature of Backward Chaining?

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Wed Jun 22 13:25:13 EDT 2011

On 22/06/2011 16:39, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
> This is related to the example in, Backward Chaining.
> Using the same rules and queries given there, the sequence of fact insertions
>      insert( new Here( "table" ) );
>      insert( new Edible( "peach" ) );
>      insert( new Location( "peach", "table" ) );
> results in nothing being seen and nothing being edible, whereas
>      insert( new Edible( "peach" ) );
>      insert( new Location( "peach", "table" ) );
>      insert( new Here( "table" ) );
> results in the obvious and expected result.
> There is no difference w.r.t. using '?' in front of query names.
Take a look at the tests here, see if you can add the logic that you 
think should works and doesn't and let us know. As far as I know 
insertion order should not matter:

> -W
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