[rules-dev] Another MVEL puzzle

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 11:55:07 EDT 2011

rule x
   # ... bind 2 int and 2 long, making sure that
   # $int1 == 1 and $int3 == 65536...

   eval( $int1 == $long2 == $int3 == $long4 )
   // print all 4 values

Using dialect "java" this results in a syntax error, which is to be

Dialect "mvel" evaluates this to true for a surprising range of integer
Here is a selection:

 1 1 65536 1234567890
 1 1 65536 424242
 1 1 65536 65536
 1 1 65536 4294967296
 1 1 65536 65568
 1 1 65536 65552

Is there any logic behind this?

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