[rules-dev] 5.3 final - early august

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 06:19:15 EDT 2011

Sounds good :) This is a drastic shorter release lifecycle, but I think 
it can be very good for us.

So when shall we aim for the 5.3.0.Beta1?

Here's my original proposed schedule, but I presume we want to shorten than?
> - For the next 4 weeks, until 22-JUL, we focus on big, risky features.
> - The 2 weeks after that, until 5-AUG, we focus on bugfixing and avoid  risky changes.
> On 5-AUG, I release 5.3.0.Beta1 directly from master.

Op 27-06-11 18:34, Mark Proctor schreef:
> We will look to do a 5.3 final for early august.
> Mark
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With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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