[rules-dev] Drools debugging issue: drl error message are no longer displayed

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 06:57:35 EST 2011

You'll address a bigger audience if you send Qs like this to
rules-users at lists.jboss.org. The dev-list is for Drools developers'

Eclipse's inclination to display errors depends on the project's type: Java
vs. Drools. The project's Properties popup will show you.

Personally, I primarily rely on what I get back from the KnowledgeBuilder:
check for errors and display them on stderr after adding each .DRL (or any
other Resource). This works quite well even if the project is of type Java.


On 7 March 2011 12:41, Hezi Stern <hezis at delegatecom.com> wrote:

> Started using Drools (Expert) in our company a few weeks ago.
> At the beginning I was able to see detailed error descriptions for the
> DRL’s I was writing, which assisted in resolving bugs.
> Fairly quickly these messages have disappeared and I found myself with
> viewing the rete tree alone as a method of verifying the rule and debugging
> (which doesn’t assist in understanding where the problems is).
> Any idea why do the error detailed message disappear and how to return
> them?
> I am using Eclipse 3.5.1 and Drools 5.1.1
> Thanks
> Hezi
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