[rules-dev] Implicit package imports

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Sun May 8 02:22:39 EDT 2011

Surely using the (not extremely long) full class path would avoid all import

On 7 May 2011 23:42, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm fixing a bug in all of Guvnors' guided editors:
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GUVNOR-1362
> The existing problem is if a model Date field is set in one of the guided
> editors RHS we need to convert the String into a Date for use in the set
> Method (currently we attempt to pass the String which fails).
> I have a working solution however it requires the user to explicitly add a
> package import for "java.text.SimpleDateFormat" that handles the parsing.
> This can be accomplished through the UI.
> I have two options to remove the need for the user to do anything:-
> (1) Pre-process all rules to be included in the package, check if one uses
> Date in the RHS and if so add an import into the header. I'd need to
> pre-process all rules as the package DRL String is built linearly and by the
> time the package compiler gets to a rule that uses a Date in the RHS the
> header, including imports, has already been built.
> (2) Add (another) implicit import into *all* packages. I assume we already
> do something like this for the boxed primitives and some others (List?
> Collection? Map? etc).
> Before I venture into option (1) can any (core) developer advise (1) where
> can I add an additional implicit import (I assume the compiler somewhere),
> (2) is this simpler solution acceptable to the (core) developers?
> Thanks,
> Mike
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