[rules-dev] new binding - what't its purpose?

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Wed May 25 10:42:08 EDT 2011

On 25/05/2011 08:28, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
>  rule  exornot
>   when
>        Number( $iCount: intValue )  from accumulate ( Fact( x > 0 ), 
> $c: count(1) )
>   then
>        System.out.println( "count = " + $c );
>   end
accumualte now supports multiple functinos - like min and max. As it now 
returns multiple results, the 'from' isn't appropriate. So we instead 
allow binding on the function directly. 'from' will still, for single 
functions it will behave as previously, for multiple functions I believe 
we throw an arror.

> There's no way $c can be used in RHS code (5.3.0, current).
> Is this the intended behaviour? Where can it be used?
> -W
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